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Everything posted by flamingemt2011

  1. We should learn from the Fire Monkeys. Getting people to stop calling 911 is bad for our futures, just like fire education has basically made all Fire Departments an EMS Department, as true fires have almost been eliminated through education and better building codes. Be careful what you wish for on this one.
  2. Relax Frances, I said wine, not Jack Daniels.
  3. vienna sausages, brie, and some red wine vienna sausages, brie, and some red wine vienna sausages, brie, and some red wine
  4. ER doc, you are looking pretty hot with your shirt off, are you top or bottom ? And please don't pretend you are not gay with that sexy photo !
  5. He said 10 ft from shore in a POND, not raging river. Are you really gonna let the kid die, how is letting the kid die making things WORSE
  6. Good point, never heard the Disney case before, but I was thinking, "What if this employee was a Baptist when hired, and 3 years down the line converted to Islam ? Then what ?
  7. Please add your videos, be safe ! Added this one later, basically a commercial for AEV, but good points made:
  8. Here is one for all you who think the net on the squad bench will save you:
  9. Anyone who is anti-child restraint in an ambulance needs to get a copy of Dr. Nadine Levick's ambulance crash videos. She did a study for her masters degree where she crashed ambulances with child and adult crash dummies in the patient compartment. I cant find a link right this minute, but if you watch those videos you will never ride unrestrained in the box again. This is not her video, but you get the idea: Imagine mom and baby crushing the medic in the captain's chair. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=5-TWXjDYqCk
  10. You need a vest for the same reason you wear a seatbelt and use safety type needles for your IV sticks, it is a safety thing. I doubt there is anyone in this forum that has not found themselves in a violent situation. If you haven't you must be a rookie.
  11. really, really, really ????????????????
  12. I appreciate your concern, but how many millions of EMS calls were run this week, and we had 5 problem calls....................................................... just saying.
  13. Yes, your full name should be embroidered on your uniform so that you can not remove it. You are a public servant, and your patients blindly trust you with their care. How many times have you had a patient really refuse to let you do what you need to do, or ask to see your credentials before you do it ? In the past 40 years of EMS, how many medics have been killed by psycho patients, I imagine less than 1%. You are far more likely to die in an ambulance crash. I imagine you have disclosed far more personal information on Facebook.
  14. No I have no agenda, nor will I make any comments or steer the direction of the conversation, I leave that totally to you. I am posting this third picture, I will then sit back and watch the conversation. I have watched this before and the interesting results you get if people are honest. So again, this is not a trap, or a setup, talk among yourselves and have fun. Experiment # 3 What about this guy, is he homeless, or just backwoods poor ? Is he mentally ill, was he veteran, is he an american citizen ?
  15. Was just watching Candy Crowley on CNN as she was interviewing someone from the VA about unemployment among veterans. She specifically pointed out the Military Medics or truck drivers can operate in the military for years, but when they get home, their skills can not be transitioned into those jobs, they have to start over at the beginning. I can see that military medics would be masters of trauma, but could be weak in OB, Peds, and Cardiac. Can any of you speak to the level of military training, and is it sufficient to be able to jump on a civilian ambulance without any classes ?
  16. OK, how about this one: EXPERIMENT PICTURE # 2 Is this man educated, is he religous, is he blue collar or white collar, is he wealthy, middle class, or from the trailer park ?
  17. Ruff, I have no idea how you interpreted what I said as an insult towards you, I have never insulted anyone in this forum, and if you read it again, you will see I was addressing PmdcMike, and my scenario had nothing to do with anything you have done in your life. And hate's interpretation is exactly what I meant.
  18. When you look at this photo, what do you see ? What labels would you attach to these people ? Where do you think they live ?
  19. Paramedicmike, I would have to agree with what you said generally. I remember as a child the first time I went to Burger King. We were poor and couldn't afford to eat out, so I had no concept of what "eating out" was or what a Whopper tasted like, although I had obviously eaten hamburger. So I can admit that since I do not have a Master's Degree, I can not speak intelligently about people with Master's Degrees. But that wasn't the question posted. The question was should someone who is not even in our field yet take extra-curricular courses before she begins EMTB school ? I will phrase it a different way ---- Suppose I think I want to be a Nurse, and I think I might want to be a Prison Nurse, BUT I have NOT taken my first core class or even been accepted in Nursing School, would you recommend that I spend money on "criminology" classes before I start my core or Nursing classes ?
  20. I think the OP was talking about documenting it in your narrative, not in the data fields that most states require for statistical analysis. I do not see any reason to doucument the race in the narrative if you have already indicated it in the data field as race does not change your treatment plan.
  21. No, the bigger problem is this: Most departments say it is OK for you to fail a drug test as long as you have a prescription for what you test positive for. How many medics are on Lortab for their backs and coming to work high ? How can you prove when they took it, the test just shows a positive, there is no way of knowing when they took it.
  22. Yes Ruff, I would say that was a tremendous waste, if you spent that many thousands of dollars on degrees you are not using, but its your money, or atleast I hope it was.
  23. take a part=time tech position in an ER
  24. not at all ruff, sorry
  25. For the record, and thanks to those who came to my defense: I am not against higher education, but we know two things as fact: There is a good chance this person will not even attend or complete EMTB school, as we all know the drop-out rate for any EMS class. Secondly, even if she passes with the highest score possible, she will probably not find a job anytime soon. So to me, to spend money to take extra classes for a career you are not even in yet, is a waste of money, unless her back-up plan is another healthcare related field. But if she chose to be a Nurse for instance instead, there is a good chance her Nursing school would not recognize the AP course, so she would have to take it again. Once she becomes an EMTB and knows that she loves the career then I think she should take every class possible.
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