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Everything posted by epicult

  1. Good topic and info. I do agree a lot with Dust. My 2 bits on the Ontario job front and hopefully not too off topic :-) There "are" a few jobs in Ontario (mostly PT to start) BUT... you need to take your "education" seriously and know your sh*t before you begin applying for positions. "Most" larger employers tend to give everyone an equal chance. Trick is... the written is the first step in the hiring process so you need to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theory (patho, A&P, practical, etc) covered in your education or your shot at the job is simply trashed. This is where most ppl are eliminated. It's simple! At this point, employers don't care how good you are with pt's, on the road, interpersonally, etc. So, if you are successful in your written your chances of employment are pretty good as long as you can marry your education with your training/skills (for scenario testing) and exercise common sense and "on your feet" thinking during your interview. I guess my point is, and I hear all the time, is that ppl think that because they're a good medic/student on the road that they deserve a job and when they don't get hired they blame it on the job market. Sure it's competitive and the industry has seen better years (the cyclical thing again) but I would "estimate" that there were 175+ jobs openings last year in S. Ontario - maybe more!?!? That's not a lot but... if you're on top of your game the chances are good that one of those spots are for you. I'm just tired of hearing excuses from everyone. Every wonder why in the spring (S. Ontario) some ppl get multiple job offers? ... Because... they've invested ample time and energy and have taken their education very seriously - with great end result. I suppose the same goes for most other areas as well though, I do know that some smaller services trash your resume based on your postal code or only consider those connected in some way to the service :-) I just wish everyone would stop complaining about the job market and look at the real reason they're not getting hired. There "are" jobs so long as you're willing to put the effort in. Thanks for the platform
  2. Assume centralized WILL go ahead and work hard... very hard!!! If you're not consistently getting mid to high 80's in your class, it's doubtful you will get past the written portion. Know your sh*t and then know it even more. If you are successful in passing all phases of centralized, it still guarantees squat. There were 80 of us that were successful for TEMS but only 25 positions. Those with the highest scores were hired, the rest got a nice letter. :-) There are always other options, of which, you will first need to pass the written. So, know your sh*t and then know it even more. Best of luck in finding a position. If you do the time, you'll be stylin' Cheers!
  3. Did anyone attend? Was it insightful? Is there reciprocity or only minimal hoops to jump through?
  4. Actually, that's all the info I have. . I'm unsure of what level but I would assume PCP. If they have to come all this way to recruit, I'm sure he'll answer all questions specific to reciprocity and all the other fine print items. Our service's director sent it to all medics over the network. Pretty cool of him. Hope it works out for those of you interested. Cheers!
  5. FYI... Where: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, ON When: September 25th and 26th 2007, 10 am - 7 pm Ask for Wes Bogdane you can reach Wes on his blackberry @ wes.bogdane@edmonton.ca
  6. Hmm...strange. Some services store relevant information regarding the address call hx to alert incoming crews via VisiCAD, as to potential threats and other essential info. Quite helpful. However, I've never seen anything like this before and fail to see the point.
  7. They actually use a very similar one for the Niagara Region here in Ontario. For the most part, if you're in 1/2 decent shape, you'll have no problems. I'm in my late 30s and found myself challenged but had no problems coming under the time limit and meeting the physical requirements. I do not work out regularly, run marathons or consider myself Mr. Fitness by any means. Can you run a 5k without calling 911? If so, your cardio should be fine. Can you lift as mentioned in one of the previous posts? If so, no worries. If you answered no to any of those, you will probably find yourself extremely taxed and "possibly" unable to complete the PET course in the alloted time. I highly suggest wolfing down a couple of high-energy granola bars and to keep yourself well hydrated prior to the test. Also, no coffee or smoking as these will temporarily raise your BP... they "may", as they do in Niagara, record your HR and BP before and after the test to ensure it falls within healthy norms. Sounds like you have some time to prepare, which is great. Good luck on your testing!
  8. I simply called up Ornge and requested a ride! The simplest way is to well... ask. "He who asks shall receive".... usually ;-) That's what I did. I actually ended up there for a couple days due to bad weather @ the TO island airport. Call up headquarters and ask for a some rides up North at one of the bases. I wouldn't be too concerned about about making a "lasting impression" but more concerned about adding the "related experience" to your resume.
  9. While I have no doubt that Calgary is a good service with good medics, it's also seems to be a very rapidly growing service with deep pockets for purchasing Zoll products. So I assume. Maybe Medtronic will also spit out an award? That would be cool! hahaha!!! Corporate awards... they're always laughable. :-)
  10. Bushy... you crack me up!
  11. Ohh great.... now it's the latest bandwagon. So much for sincerity. ***Now returning to the pasture to graze with the rest of the sheep*** Can I get one for my car too?
  12. Hahaha... Soooo Canadian.
  13. Hey, where are all the blue, pink, periwinkle, black and all the other coloured ribbons under the sun? Why just yellow ribbons? Is "winning the war on terrorism" (or whatever :-) going to free and save more lives than AIDS, Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, etc., etc? What if, as a medic, I'm much more passionate on supporting Breast Cancer than the war. What if "as a city" we're bigger on supporting Breast Cancer than the war. It will surely kill many more ppl in the world than the war ever will?!?!? Speaking of which... did the city ever ask the public/taxpayer which ribbon was most appropriate to display? There are many reasons why someone might not want to support the war and possibly/therefore our troops. Hey, that's their perogative. Should the government/ambulance service, be the voice for all ppl that work within any said service (that display the ribbons) or the ppl within the city/municipality? Probably not. Just trying to be devils advocate on this one. I personally have no beef with the ribbons. So, bring em on... all of them! :-)
  14. Hey Craig.. you mean 0.36 mg - SAME AS - 0.36ml right? I hope it's not 3.6mg! :shock:
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