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Everything posted by Carlton_Triple_Canopy

  1. I'm a bit late on this topic but I'm actually a Triple Canopy Tactical Recruiter. I'm looking for EMT-I's and EMT-P's for a contract opportunitiy in Iraq. You must have at least 3 years of experience and 1 year of protective security/convoy security/executive protection experience within the last 3 years. Basically, we are looking for combat medics or pararescue types. Contact me as we are sending qualified candidates to training ASAP! Shoot me your resume/dd214 to carlton.carpenter@triplecanopy.com
  2. I'm a bit late on this topic but I'm actually a Triple Canopy Tactical Recruiter. I'm looking for EMT-I's and EMT-P's for a contract opportunitiy in Iraq. You must have at least 3 years of experience and 1 year of protective security/convoy security/executive protection experience within the last 3 years. Basically, we are looking for combat medics or pararescue types. Contact me as we are sending qualified candidates to training ASAP! Shoot me your resume/dd214 to carlton.carpenter@triplecanopy.com
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