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    Riding a painted pony...whee
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    BDIBD and PAO

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  1. What if it was YOUR bird poor bird, he not only gets hit but also has to spend the last seconds of his life listening to this girl screaming tsk .
  2. ooh I know, I know !!! [spoil:332a4bc73e]Just flip through the countless pages of advertising in [/spoil:332a4bc73e]
  3. vivibonita

    Emotion Toys

    :shock: :evil:
  4. ...or someone who is really REALLY paranoid. :shock:
  5. ...or someone who is really REALLY paranoid. :shock:
  6. I agree... lighten up people. LOL :occasion5: The video is wonderful, I was jealous because while that guy is making videos and dancing all around the world I'm here waiting to earn enough money to be able to do that. :evil: BUT... for the purpose of the thread, it did make me smile big , and even a tear rolled down my cheek (i'm too emotional but i think the music did it) . Good to see people enjoy life, joining with others to have fun. .. and make others jealous
  7. Like that time, in Paramedics (the only time I saw it), where this Paramedic jumps this drunk, old guy because he was telling something to his partner. The drunk was really ok, nothing medical, ambulance was just called for back up, and PD was going to take care of him. Anywho, the guy ends up with a broken arm thanks to the brave actions of our paramedic. Instead of being taken by the cops, he ended up in the ER. Is that the kind of stuff you want to brag about? Is the picture of an aggressive, uncontrolable, adreline pumping machine what you want to portray? Go ahead... that's what the profession needs.
  8. You talking about this scene, Willis? [/ram] Maybe THAT is a bit too risque, but just for the sake of old times and old movies. :wink:
  9. Oooh video fight!! Anywhoo, I was just thinking ... will teenagers really get the message after watching these commercials? I feel like now, due to the wide selection of sadistic movies that are out there, kids/teenagers/young adults/ adults, have been somehow desensitized. There would be a tad of shock factor, and some will be curious to see the commercials. But, will the message really get accross? Only time will tell...
  10. Well wouldn't you want to keep something you worked hard for? Sorry but as I was reading this thread, I thought that criticism was good for a profession so it can advance/progress, and when something bad happens you want to learn from it so it won't happen again... but... [spoil:bfb38c4572][/spoil:bfb38c4572]
  11. Except when a patient is able to get a hold of it... so you better conseal it well, in a place where a) a patient can't find it you won't injure yourself. I wonder... why even carry something like that, when you have so many other things available to restrain or control a violent patient. Here's the weapon I'm licensed to carry... [spoil:3454a35304]...and i'm not afraid to use it [/spoil:3454a35304]
  12. =D> Nice way to set an example, my sincere congratulations =D>
  13. :shock: Did Spenac just brought back to life a thread that has been dead for 2 years??? OooooH the Horror!!!! :sad3: tsk tsk tsk.
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