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mosquitoe bite, happened 3 mins ago, I think I have West Nile Virus, can you check it out? Dispatched C3 to severe laceration. Man knicked his cheek shaving...Bandaide anyone? A PD friend of mine and I were comparing BS calls...He won... During Anthrax scare nation wide...An unidentified white powdery substance.........................In a laundry mat. (By the way they(Dispatch) dispatched out Haz-Mat, full response, and PD) Turns out that laundry detergent DOES come in powder. I stubbed my toe 3 days ago, it's hurting again. I don't think I can drive. "I am having a baby, I didn't know I was pregnant. I thought I had gas or a tumor." FOR THE LAST 9 MONTHS?????? G-3 P-2, didn't anything bring back that oh so familiar feeling???? (yes it was FULL TERM). And my favorite, I have actually had this one several times, different women each time....Yes I am having abd cramping. "when was your LMP?". Oh, I started today....DUH (all did turn out to be PMS).
When I began in this business I started in the EMS 9-1-1 dispatch center. In our area when someone calls 9-1-1, if they have a med emerg they are transfered from their PD or SO call center. The other dispatcher will stay on the line to see if we need PD/SO/FD, etc... to respond with us. So, it's like 4 AM and I have been there 14 hrs and am very tired, as I am alone. This call comes in from one of our rural areas, the SO dispatcher is snickering in the background as I answer "EMS what's your emergency?" The woman (pt) states "I need an ambulance, I have CRABS in my eyes!!!!". Of course knowing that I am very tired, I am totally taken back from this, so I ask the pt to repeat her emergency. Again, "I have CRABS in my EYES". So now I am asking myself CRABS? Like from the ocean or "downunder"? So I ask her, "Ma'am, why do you feel like you have crabs in your eyes?" Response: "I was having relations with my boyfriend and I can see the crabs in my eyes." I didn't realize that what I was thinking was actually coming out of my mouth until the SO dispatcher began hysterically laughing...My brilliant response? "Was this an oral exam?" Thank goodness she was rocketing on several drugs and didn't get what I was saying... Boy I didn't live that down for many years. The SO dispatcher would call me occassionally to ask me if it was an oral exam..... One more.... I was riding with a FTO when we get a GSW call. We arrive and the patient is lying there in a puddle of blood around his head, gray and WHITE matter everywhere. He STILL has a pulse and is breathing. We begin our thing, C-spine, ABC's, etc, we get him in the truck, tubed, he codes... We know that he was dead, due to all the brain matter everywhere, but we have a job to do...So we work him all the way to the hospital, ED physician walks in with a trauma team. A brand new RN was running around all hysterical, yelling, we need to get the neurosurgeon, what do we do? WE NEED THE NEUROSURGEON!!!! Have we call him yet?? I walk up to her, in a very consoling manner, "Ma'am, it's ok, last time I checked they didn't put the brain matter back in." The Dr. walked up to me and said "thanks, I didn't want to be the one to break it to her, Time of death....."
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
Rid, I spoke with WC this morning, they are unsure of what limitations the Dr. will put me on. We spoke about re-education benefits and she is going to look further into it. Funny thing, I was released yesterday, got my first call this morning to return to a PRN position as an ACLS instructor for a local college. Of course this is a once in a 4-6 month gig, but it's teaching and it pays well. So I am keeping a positive attitude and I will be actually working next week... Hooray!!!!!!!! I have been hesitant, as I have said before, getting a lawyer involved, but I am keeping my options open about contacting one. If they determine that I will not qualify for re-education, I will probably seek council. I will keep you informed of the progress. Another positive note, I am now free to go back to SCUBA Diving, another passion of mine....Of course my husband will be carrying a lot of equipment LOL , but now I can do it....Just in time for summer.... Diver.... -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
Jake, I have worked as a dispatcher before, that is really how I began my career in EMS. I loved dispatching, the crews have asked me to try and go back to it for several years, I guess I excelled at it.... :? .There just aren't any openings right now in the near by towns, unless I want to dispatch for PD (gasp). :shock: The thing I loved even more was teaching on a regular basis. I feel the greatest thing next to being there in the field is to help equip the newbie's with the information and knowledge to get them out doing the same. The reason I am not teaching right now is that the company that I was working for sold to another EMS owner that already had an instructor. There are so many opportunities out there to teach, just not in the area I live in. It is very competative in this area, and most companies here don't have a full time instructor. In fact the company I was working for, I began as a field medic/in-house instructor. Only after I was injured did I become the full time in-house. I really do appreciate your guys ideas and support. EMS is a wonder community. Right now I just want to work, doing anything to feel like a productive member of society... 8) :oops: This has been the hardest thing for me. I was working for 3 different companies 24 hour shifts (usually 5-6 days a week) when I got injured, going from that to nothing has been mind boggling. n5iln, I agree that many back injuries have lead to a standard being set throughout the US. I also agree that counting on FD is risky, even a back-up EMS unit to respond. You never know what situation you are going to get yourself into and if anyone will be available. Unfortunately because of the lack of lift help a few people I know have gotten hurt because they had a red (critical) patient that needed immediate transport and didn't have anyone to help them. Anyways, again, everyone thank you. -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
Well today was the day of truth, I went to see the Doctor with a compilation of information about lifting requirements. The doctor didn't even let me tell him about it when he determined that I had reached "MMI" (maximum medical improvement). The doctor stated that I would not be able to return to work on the ambulance at any point. Of course this is not the outcome that I was wanting or hoping for, but it is what it is. Thank you guys so much for everything. Here's to looking for work on the "other side" of things.... -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
I have spoken with EMSA of Tulsa, their lifting requirement is 80 lbs dead lift. They will be contacting me with the information in writing. The Ops Supervisor that I spoke with said they have only 80 lbs because "it's reasonable to assume that with 2 people it can be done", and if it's any heavier than that you can call for lift assist with FD. Work Comp has also told me to find 4 more to get national average. (Apparently they don't have it either). Up to this point I haven't wanted to contact an attorney to assist me with this injury, all I am wanting is medical bills taken care of, but since I am meeting a block everywhere I turn with WC and my PCP, I guess I am going to call a friend of mine that is a Labour Law attorney to see what he can find out for me also. I want to thank everyone that has responded, and if you know of any further information that will help, please continue to respond, all information has been helpful. If you know of any companies out there that has a lifting requirement listed on their site, if you will let me know, I would really appreciate it. Again thank you so very much. -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
Rid, I work in Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma. I have explained my job description to everyone involved. That I am required to lift cardiac monitor, oxy caddy, jump bag, and finally the patient. I did tell them that on most occasions we would have FR, FD, PD, SO, etc... on calls, but I work rural a lot and we find ourselves without help a great deal of the time too. My concern is that our average patient is 220 lbs, (good southern cooking). LOL... That alone keeps me from doing this job. I have always had a theory that maybe be hindering me here, but I feel it's the right theory to have. If me or my partner can't lift "their/my" part of the weight, it's too risky for the other person involved. It's not only potentially getting myself hurt again, but my partner. It's their way of life, their income, their families support. My doctor is wanting a "national average" of lifting requirements. He has suggested that I contact different agencies and get a copy of their written policy and bring at least 5 from different areas and bring those in so he can decide what the national average is....What can I say, he has that "I am a doctor, I rule" mentality. This has beeng going on for 11 months, I am not a person who likes to sit at home and draw a check, or sit at home period. I want to feel productive, and in the past 11 months I have gone from not being able to move my right arm at all to only lifting 43lbs. I don't have another 11 months of sanity left to be able to lift 80lbs... :? By the way, he took me off physical therapy 4 months ago for my arm because the weight lifting was exacerbating the pain and limiting my FROM to partial ROM. I can't see myself, at this point, to be effective at carrying a spinal immobilized patient from a culvert to the cot that is waiting on stable ground. I love this job. There isn't anyother job in the world that I would want to do, not for money or anything else. I would love to return to this job. But again the reality of it all has sunk in. Thanks for all the input. Again I will continue my quest. -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
Well, Dust, thanks again, but once again, getting nowhere quickly with the people in this area. I have called the 4 closest schools that offer PT programs in this area, and no dice. Their reply has consistently been, "your job should have that, and we rely on the companies that we provide PT for to give us a list of their requirements." Well, that is where I initially started at. I was working for 3 different EMS companies locally, and NONE of them have anything in writing. In this area, really, seriously, if you have a pulse, are breathing, and are certified, you have a job. It doesn't matter to them whether or not you can actually physically or mentally do the job. Some of the supervisors for one company I work for are consistently walking patients in C-collars to the ambo on the front page of the newspaper, and nothing is said. Sorry sort of a rant there. Again Dust, thanks...I will continue my quest... -
Minimum lifting/Carrying requirements
emtpdiver replied to emtpdiver's topic in General EMS Discussion
I have spoken to both my PT and my OT, but they don't have these standards either. Guess I am the first medic in this area that needs that information :roll: :oops: . I have also checked on the state sites for Arkansas and Oklahoma, the area I live and worked, not listed. I have checked different EMS company sites, starting with some of the biggest companies to the largest cities around the nation, every thing says "heavy lifting and bending required". But thanks for your guys help. -
I need help and knew that you wonderful knowledgable people could help. My situation is pretty simple, I need "in print" what the minimum lifting requirement is for EMS. I am a 7 yr paramedic and have been injured. My max lift is 48 lbs, my safe lift (8 times in 24 hours) is only 43 lbs, due to a shoulder and back injury. My doctor is saying 50 lbs should clear me back on the streets. I love EMS and want to return, but it has been a year since my injury and am being realistic by understanding that returning to the unit may not be an option for me, but I need it in print that the minimum carrying or lifting that EMT's do is so much more than 50 lbs. Can you folks help? Thanks.
The Paramedics in our area get paid different rates depending on the situation, rural vs city. Rural gets paid anywhere $7.50 - $10 per hour...SUX..Our Basics get pain $5.25 - $7.00. The city para's get $9.50 - $15.00 p/h. Rural works 24 on 48 off, the city 3 12 hr shifts a week...Let's just say we do it for the fun of it not the pay....Last year my average hours per payperiod (2 weeks) 170 hrs. I made 25k...Welcome to Eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas!!!!!!!