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Everything posted by minemedic

  1. I've seen a few Police Officers with metals or Jump Wings (not any medics though), I think it's fine, it is a metal earned just like any other one would earn serving the public. I wear a support our troops pin on my coat as well!
  2. Good stuff SEMS!!! Great community spirit.
  3. Sudbury On. I am a Medical First Responder for a Mining & Smelting company (hence the handle 'Mine Medic') I work at a smelter on surface, we also do security stuff but I'm not getting into that here. I've been on the job for 6 years and I also volunteer with the Canadian Ski Patrol System, my lil way of giving back to the community (after taking away so very much LOL). I have a strong respect for Paramedics and am not about to pretend I am one. I'm just another link in the chain doing my thing cause I like to help people. Cheers MM
  4. Nice to see some fine northern patrotisim. But does the singer still get paid full rate? or just half after that...
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