I personally applied for the FEMA asst. to FF grant in 05 and it was awarded our Dept a new pumper. The bid was for 145000 and we paid 5% You have to have funds for the % but a check is sent to your Dept for the balance. Read the stipulations and make sure you follow thru on process.
You can contact the AED companies (are you volunteer or rural) and they will assist you on getting a personal AED. The only time I know that you don't have to pay is if they recognize your need and you'll probably get a used one. It's definitely worth a try. Contact only one at a time though. Good luck.
I think everyone could use a good laugh now and then, things are too serious. Kepp 'em laughing...only try to keep it clean. I have watched so many comedians ruin a good laugh...how long have you been fighting firs? Are you volunteer or full timer?