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Everything posted by LeftCoaster

  1. I earn my brownie points by volunteering in my local ER. And while as a volunteer I have to stand back and watch more than anything they cut me some slack because they know I am an EMT. Once they know you aren't a goof, they let you in. When you have a critical on the table and they are about to crack him/her open and you got a dozen folks jammed around the table eack one yelling instructions or relaying vitals, and more of the patients blood is on the floor then in them, how could you not help but surround themselves with people they know they can trust? But once the 'battle' is over, most of the Drs, Nurses, Trauma Techs, etc. call each another by first name. No formalities. And if there is an interesting procedure the Dr will let you look over his shoulder while he performs a hemothorax, and explains it step by step. But heaven help the crew that brings in a patient not packaged properly, or transports an ALS as a BLS (even IF the Dr said to transport them that way, still no excuse they should have known better to start with).
  2. As a former Air Traffic Controller, it wasn't all that uncommon for extra-curricular activities with co-workers and/or cheating with a co-workers spouse (not speaking for myself). And in airports where there are just one or two workers on a night shift, the control tower has been used for more than controlling planes. I think it is a combination of ego, loneliness, nobody understands me and simple gratification. When you have a lot of responsibility it seems to draw out insecurity and that seems to be curbed some by a quick fix of 'gettin some'.
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