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  • Location
    Yonkers NY
  • Interests
    learning,reading,anything pertaining to the medical field

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thank you for all of the great feedback and not judging me for failing twice. I will take into consideration of everyones comments. 8) 8) 8)
  2. I didn't have trouble with the written or the practical, what I said was I failed the STATE written exam.
  3. Hey gang. I haven't posted here since last year because I felt like a sore loser failing the emt-b state exam twice by 1 damn point. :oops: I don't understand what happened. I ALWAYS clam up when taking tests, but know the material. Hell I passed the practicals, and written in class with flying colors. Now I'm supposed to take a refresher course, but instead I will take the entire class over again. It's been over a year since I tested in NY. I need some pointers or strategies on test taking skills. I have always got good grades, and remember things, but the tests make me nervous as hell. My 6 kids adds on that too. Yes 6, including a 2 year old that has spastic quadraparesis cerebral palsy and is wheelchair bound. I saved his life, thanks to learning the CPR in class. Anyhow, I'm gonna do it again, this time really try harder and I will start doing ride alongs to really feel the on hands experience and be able to learn as I see. Ya Know. Well it's always good to be back on EMT-City and get feedback thats positive. I'm so excited, because this is what I really want and can't wait to start classes again. On the state exam my weak points were TRAUMA,MEDICAL EMERGENCIES. I know I have to really stay focus with that.
  4. I drive a 1994 Chrysler Town & Country.
  5. I'll tell you guys and gals what! I am definitely not in shape. I try to walk every day for 30 minutes. Then I have 5 children that I'm constantly running after, so that keeps me on my toes. I do some exercises with yoga with the Demand Services on my cable network. I most certainly would like to know what I need to do to tone,because that's what I really need. I am considered of having a high BMI for my age and I try to eat healthy and stay away from fried foods, but with all the rugrats who has time.
  6. I smoke, no chew. Someday I hope to quit. I don't like the smell, but it relieves stress at times. :roll:
  7. I sometimes cry. Caffeine myself up. :shock: Chain smoke pack of cigarettes. : The best of 'em all: Soak in a looooooong hot bubble bath.
  8. I have a 1992 dodge white caravan which died on me and sitting. Also drive 1996 gray nissan sentra. It serves the purpose.
  9. I am an emt-b student finishing in May and taking state exam in May as well as wife,mother and Medical Assistant.Love the job. For now, doing ride alongs with local ambulance comp. :oops:
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