We have the Zoll M series and the Zoll CCT.
They tend to drain the batteries fast. We have bought two of the larger batteries and they tend to last longer. (Many of our ambulance do not have invertors and we have long transport times)
The NIBP tends to say "Recheck NIBP" a fair bit when the BP is less-than 90 or the hear beat is irregular.
Also, all of our Zolls have phantom pacer spikes appear. Soon we will have a software upgrade to fix this.
Plus, the Masimo SpO2 sensory has a hard time picking up a SpO2. Again, "Check SpO2" keeps chirping off. Even when you change sensitivity to high and have it average the SpO2 over a mear 4 seconds.
Also, the standard cable is too short if you remove the Adult Masimo SpO2 sensor and attach the Neonate, or the Ped SpO2 sensor. It is hard to reach things. For example, we have the Baby PodII. A simple transport incubator. The Zoll with the neonated SpO2 won't reach the infant inside. We had to order longer ones.
The Zoll CTT (I can not remember about the Zoll M) has a unique SpO2 port in the back. So, if we lose, or break the Sapo2 cable for the Zoll CTT we can not replace it with the pile of surplus SpO2 cables we have.
Last, Zoll has a unique pressure line. So, you need a Zoll transducer and set up to connect to an arterial line, central line for CVP or an ICP line. The old ProPaq104 fit the standard Kolb transducer set up. Of course, we tried to order a Zoll--->Kolb cable from Zoll but they didn't have one. We had to order it from an other company so we can simply hook up of Zoll monitors to a patient without much fuss.
The local hospital uses LP.
The LP and the ProPaq104 we had seem to do the job just as well. Of course, I am use to the LP. I am sure that has nothing to do with my opinion on this subject. The Zoll CTT has a temp and two pressure lines. This display is clear and colourful. Nice clear 12 leads. I guess I can learn to love them!!! :wink: