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Everything posted by confusedguy

  1. I was drinking with one of my neighbors who told me he had some Everclear 95% alcohol. Foolishly I asked if I could take a shot of it. Ten minutes after taking the shot I dont remember anything from that night! He told me the next day that I passed out in my apartment with the music up loud so he broke in through the window where I was unconcious and unresponsive. He was worried about me so he called 911. He told me paramedics were there and they kept trying to get me to sign some release and I didn't want to. They told me if I didnt they would take me to the hospital. Eventually I signed. I woke up the next day thinking I just blacked out. Needless to say the experience has scared me and I have a few questions. I am on probation and wondered if the paramedics would tell the police of what happened and it could somehow end up back to the probation department? My thoughts are no because I didn't break any laws. No one was arrested or anything. How would they have woken me up? With some kind of smelling salt? There is no paperwork left behind so I cant see what I signed and don't remember any of it. Was it just something saying that they had been there and I didn't need to go to the hospital? Will I be billed? Also it appears they didnt give me any type of medicine to my knowledge. Just wondering how the paramedics would handle someone who is passed out drunk. Thanks for your time. I am so embarassed by the whole situation. I have read that Everclear is illegal in many states for this very reason.
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