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Everything posted by 91FireMedic1

  1. Ok just wrote this today took like 15 mins so its not perfect....... I am a Paramedic Helping is my game Ive always wanted to go out with the biggest of bangs As the bell rang we raced to our truck hopefully this call doesnt suck Dispatch says its another ill male Oh my god one more of these and someone will have to pay my bail I did my job and i did it well This male is now feeling swell code two to the hospital to get him checked out The ER wont be happy i know they will pout We stopped for a light and went when it was green then all i heard was my driver scream I heard a bang then it went silent no pain, no anger, no hatred at all now i know something is wrong I saw a bright light which isnt right i know we were driving at night My patient was there and didnt seem to care along with a line of others a man yelled from the front "PARAMEDIC YOUR UP!" I walked the line and started to cry i knew that i had died the man was scared all in a hustle whats got you all in a tussle He replied with a voice so nervous and coarse "I really think hes getting worse" We called you here because you are the best Now its time we put you to the test and see where you stand around the rest We walk to a room people looked gloom and approached a throne made of marble and stone I looked at the man and knew it was god all he did was look and nod I asked what was wrong he said i dont feel so well i glared and asked am i really in hell He replied you do your job and you do it well Are you kidding me another ill male..... BY: MAD
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