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Everything posted by planedude86

  1. There was a thread a year two or so years ago in which EMS providers related their experiences of being detained by police. A Northern California EMT talked about how he was pulled over while going Code 3 transporting a stroke patient. He was detained because the CHP officer wanted to "see if there really was a patient in the back." I don't need to tell you all how time = brain in ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Another EMT spoke of being lit up while on a critical care transport. The physician on board instructed the driver not to stop. At the ED, the police officer began his tirade; however, the physician countered with a threat of "interfering with an EMT" charges. With some doctors' connections, these charges could likely be realized. I'm not going to dig up local records to find the few, if any, records of cops being charged with interfering. Nevertheless, we have an obligation to our patients. The police can be dealt with later. From an anecdotal standpoint, police have interfered with my patient care on some occasions. Usually this has occurred with suspects requiring treatment. And no, your DUI training does not qualify you to override my decisions regarding a patient's impaired consciousness. And no, I'm not going to withhold D50 because you think they're faking hypoglycemia. I take issue with an earlier poster's assertion that this incident has turned EMS forums into cop-bashing havens. This incident is certainly not the first of its kind that has been publicized. In my experience, when EMS providers see problems within their ranks, they work to fix the problems. A review of the numerous coverups over the years in law enforcement illuminates a sliver of the institutionalized mentality of the "thin blue line." Saying "there are bad apples in every profession" doesn't cut it. When one of paramedic colleagues was found to be working without a license, he faced severe consequences. If all transpired as described, what will happen to the trooper in this video? Likely nothing. The discourse on these forums about this incident reminds us that similar events may happen to any of us in the field. I say all this not to antagonize LEOs, but rather to emphasize that LEO/FF/EMT serve the public. Our first priority is not to serve ourselves or other public safety personnel. We serve the public.
  2. planedude86


    Have any of you taken the ATLS (approved for physician extenders) course? What did you think of it? Was it useful? How much did it cost? I'm looking for some reviews before spending the money. Also, how was advanced medical life support? The course is far away for me, and I would like to know if it's worth it. Thanks a lot.
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