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    spanish doctor

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  1. ummm i did not understand that
  2. Ok, i notice that for everybody is more interesting why a Doctor in spain want to become in an EMT in US (basic, intemediate or paramedic). First of all thanks for your answers, i apreciate all. Of course my intentions are to take USMLE steps in the future to be a doctor there, but i want to go and improve my english, study hard and take the exams when it´s needed, i don´t want to do that here in spain. I dont care if i need 4 years working and studing there, but i know that is the best way (if igo with a student visa dont let me work there so i need a lot of money, i can not get a work visa if i dont pass all the USMLE steps and i have a hospital who offer me to work there and that means 3 or 4 years at least), so i decide that taking a EMT license is a good way to have some money to "live" ( i know is not too much), make contacts there, learn a lot about how american people works and about american health, improve my english and study to become in a doctor. It is true that doctors in spain have a really good training and education, actually i am already a Doctor in an emergency room here in spain, but it is an experience that i really want to have. In addition to all that, of course there is another reason to think about all that and is that there are a girl there that´s make me looks crazy doing that jejeje. Anyway i want to find the way to do all that being completly independent in case that the relationship does not work because my intentions are to stay there no matter what happends with this girl. The biggest problem that i have is not to get the EMT license, the problem is after that how to get a work visa to be able to work there like EMT and start studing for the Steps to become a Doctor there (and get married is not an option yet ). What about the military dustdevil? you told something about california and texas and actually it is texas where i want to go (Houston). I hope everybody understand what i said... i am trying to improve my english as fast as i can.
  3. Hello. I am currently a General and Family doctor in Spain. <br style="line-height: 17px; ">I was looking for information to become into a EMT in USA (any level is good, i dont care to start like a EMT- but i still have several doubts about if is posible for me to do it and how to do it. I don´t know if i can prepare the exams from spain and then make the exams or i also can do the exams here in spain (i don´t think so). I read that you have to be an US citizen to make the exams and work like EMT . Well i am really lost about what should i do so please if someone can explain me every step to do it, requeriments, advices, etc... I checked tons of webpages and information, but i can not clarify how to do it so i would thank you a lo t every single information that you can give me. Thanks so much! Sorry i dont know why i opened 2 topics. Please delete 1. Sorry again
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