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    Memphis, TN
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    Outside of work, I am a giant nerd. I love to read. I'm a big fan of science fiction. Dr. Who is awesome, although I'd like it better if it were called Medic Who. I'm Memphis born and raised, but my family comes from the Boston area so I'm a huge fan of the Boston area teams. And before anyone starts any crap, I've been a fan of Boston teams BEFORE they were awesome. ;)

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  1. Good day everyone, I'm Steve. I've been an EMT for 5 years now. I work in a busy Memphis ER and, despite what I may tell people when I've had a bad shift, I love it. Just found the site and figured it'd be a good place to meet and chat with some others who know how crazy this job can be. Looking forward to talking with you. Have a good one and save some lives. Steve "Stupid Should Hurt" Sims
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