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Definitely, I have no dreams of running around in a POV trying to be a EMT. Not just from a legal standpoint but more from an ethical view. What else would you suggest I type? I am not current active duty military, I am not law enforcement, I am not an EMT or any other medical trained profession and definitely do not want to be a poser (even though several have tried to hang that on me ). You tell me what makes you feel better... You guys are ridiculous.... why are you taking whacks at me for putting some medical supplies in a backpack? Would you stop quivering if I took it out and put it in a Wal-Mart sack? Maybe a beach-bag with long handles. or maybe I should call someone to come take possession my Ace bandages, dressings, 4x4s and all my Neosporin until I can get professionally checked out? You act like I want to grab my "bags", commandeer a emergency vehicle and start treating the injured and all this while giving bad looks to all the medical professionals AND getting lots of fame from TV and newspaper coverage! Why does just the simple act of someone trying to gain some knowledge and advice automatically get ya'lls hackles up? C'mon guys, the passive-agressive jabs are not productive. Yes! I have no medical training. and finally, yes, we do have some provisions set aside (1-3 weeks worth of food and a weeks worth of water if used little) but by no means do we have a treasure trove of Super Survival Supplies in a underground bunker. But we are a little better prepared than most. Now, after all your back and forth, not one person attempted to answer my main question from my last post... Tell me more about the EMT B class. Is this something that can be done while working a full time job at the same time? LB
I think you are taking me completely wrong... I am definitely ignorant about what all is available and where to exactly to start. I have not stated anywhere that I am completely opposed to any type of formal education. In my original post I ended it by stating, "I joined here to learn as much as I can and to help get me pointed in the right direction for good civilian training." Maybe jumping straight into a EMT class IS the best way to go. I don't know and trying to learn. I guess I was thinking I needed to start crawling before I start running wif da big dogs! You would be surprised about how BASIC we got back then. Its was basically unwrap this bandage, stick on the injury and apply pressure and YELL "CORPSMAN UP!!!" Oh, yeah, then there was the constant back and forth about if it is good or bad to use a tourniquet... We were never issued tourniquets. They tought us to use a web belt from the injured Marine or even communication cable. Nobody ever knew definitively and it just depended who was teaching the class. I am sure its alot better now since there is ALOT more experience to pass around. Seems like they have a good procedure now and a CAT is standard issue. Everyone was pretty "green" with regards to actual combat experience during the 1st Gulf War. I don't know why you are preoccupied with bags Dwayne. I only mentioned the kits I have and described my intentions with them only when someone asked . I didn't show off a contents list or brag about them. Heh, they are really nothing to brag about. One was given to me with a little damage (M3 medic bag) that I was able to repair with a little stitching and the backpack is a cheapo OD green "medical" backpack I won by designing a logo for a internet store. Believe me, it is not high speed... neither am I anymore. =) You believe I am headed in the wrong direction. Believe me, I am not headed in any direction right at the moment. I am still trying to figure out which direction to go. I will listen. Why you want to make it seem like I am belittling you or anybody here is beyond me. I am here to gain knowledge which helps remedy my ignorance. Keep the negative name calling to yourself and please don't include me in it. I am here to learn, hence why I used the term "sponge". I am just not understanding the hostility. But I do appreciate any knowledge I can learn. Even if it is learning exactly what class I need to start out with. I believe in this whole-heartedly. There is wisdom in the 7 Ps... Proper Prior Practice Prevents Piss Poor Performance ( it aint mine, I learned from from listening to someone else) But I first need to learn PROPERLY.... A statement like that just seems arrogant and belittling... And truth is I can use a shovel, its definitely not underneath my station in life. Nah, chatting on the Internetz is not going to get my panties in a wad... I am laid back kinda guy trying to state my intentions without getting dragged into keyboard battles. Your right, it would be a shame if someone got all bunched up over some advice... Tell me more about the EMT B class. Is this something that can be done while working a full time job at the same time? I do??? Dwayne, I am specifically here BECAUSE I don't have a plan. I am here for guidance. Please forgive my ignorance. I am not stupid, but completely ignorant on my path in regards to learning The problem is I feel like I told someone I would like to drag-race but the people I'm talking too are telling me to jump straight in with both feet and get a $200,000 race car or just forget even trying. I have a full-time job and any training I take has to fit around that. I am not opposed to any training as you try to make it appear. But at the moment I don't have the time to start school... I appreciate your thanks but the young Marines (and Corpsman) out there right now are the ones who have earned our appreciation. I spent time in the desert but will be the first to say what I did was a ginger-bread cakewalk compared to what they are doing now. I always make a point to thank them and shake their hands. Now, tell me more about this EMT B class you mentioned... Thanks, LB
bingo! thats the one!! Someone get Richard a prize. Other than taking a EMT class or joining a volunteer department, is there any other avenues available to private citizens wanting to learn basic no-frills trauma skills. Please advise. LB
Yep, I am former Marine infantry ( 0311 knuckle-dragger ) looking for knowledge. Not looking to be a superman save the day type. Just want to find out what I need, what I dont need and to learn how to "properly" use what I do have. Not really on the look-out for nuke toting zombies or swarms of E.T.s... we don't get those alot around here, but thanks for giving me a headsup! =) Not really looking to join a local or volunteer team at the moment. But maybe in the future. I live in a small rural county that sits next to a large metro county. Both counties are located on a large but long dormant fault line. We have had a few local public gatherings about disasters and disaster recovery/relief and honestly I was dis-heartened by their lack of prep and organization at the political level. The first-responders will have their hands full for a long time. My family and several of my friends families that are very close knit decided to do some preps. Nothing overboard by any means. but better than sitting around wondering why the govt. has not saved us yet...I am not trying to be the end all of all things medical. Not looking to perform surgeries, I just want to be prepared as much as I can. I also enjoy several shooting sports and carry a small kit in case someone is injured. I could possibly apply a dressing/tourniquet and help keep them alive until the cavalry arrives. I know that gear is not enough, hence why i am here to learn what I can or to listen to advice on what classes are available for someone like me. Yep, I believe I have seen that bag with all the narcotics on the Internetz.... I am sure the Airsoft / Zombie forums were drooling. Some ppl have alot of money to buy alot of stuff. If they enjoy doing that then, hey, it's a free country. Its just not cup of tea to try and impress alot of ppl with expensive gear. I believe experienced ppl can do more with less, than the clueless can do in a hospital full of stuff. Also, I do not have any plans of stocking narcotics so that is not a concern of mine. We have thought alot about all those scenarios and some times you have to just do what you can do. You can prepare for everything and then lose it all, God forbid, in a house fire, a tornado or a multitude of chance disasters. Like I have said, I am not a medical professional and not interested in wanting to pretend I am one. Just looking for solid skills to use with a bare bones kit. 1) A small kit for Trauma 2) A larger M3 kit that would be easier to tote than a backpack and capable of handling multiple injuriesas well as a boo-boo kit for non serious stuff. 3) The backpack would be a resupply for the M3 bag as well as overflow gear / items that are seldom used but could possible be needed at some point. All other overflow (bandages, dressings, etc) are in sealed plastic totes. These kits hopefully will never be used. But in case they are, I want to be capable and confident. Thanks for the tips on reading material. I have already been eyeing several of those titles. Please keep the questions and advise coming! Thanks, LB
I am not a EMT or an active student. I am a private citizen who is highly interested in learning all I can about Medical Emergencies, Trauma Care and First Aid. I am currently finishing up three different medical / first aid kits: 1) Individual VOK / Trauma kit 2) M3 bag kit 3) Medical Backpack I also have plans for an organized, resupply case/trunk. I joined here to learn as much as I can and to help get me pointed in the right direction for good civilian training. Thanks, LB