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  1. Hello everybody, I am a just a concerned resident, and I was hoping if one of you could generously help me. My condo board in Florida recently installed a gate on the boardwalk leading to the ocean beach. It is locked on both sides. To me it represesents a huge safety and liability issue if for some reason you misplace the key or any other reason where you cannot even get help because the gate is locked. My question for everybody is what will happen in an emergency situation if that gate is locked for some reason and official people arrive on the scene trying to get to the beach? Are there certain legal procedures to follow before one can break the gate open? Can I trust that they will be able to break that gate open in sufficient time without it being a severe obstruction in case of an emergency? Please if you have any other ideas, suggestions, or other places to turn to for information please do not hesitate. Thanks so much for helping me.
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