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Medic One

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About Medic One

  • Birthday April 13

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  • Occupation
    Firefighter Paramedic

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  • Location
    Martha’s Vineyard, MA. USA (An island 10 miles off coast of MA)
  • Interests
    About Me:
    NREMT-P / EMS-Instructor
    Race Track FF/Medic
    Motorcycle Certified EMS Responder
    U.S. Veteran

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  1. Medic One is still here...member since 2005...I’m one of those EMS Dinosaurs
  2. Such sad news to hear this...I was just chatting with him a few weeks ago ... he will be missed by all. RIP
  3. Glad to see so many of the original crew still in the city....man I’m getting old. The late night video chats with him were the best The late night video chats with him were the best
  4. I’m still here member since 2005.
  5. Here's a good one that is not very common in the US. We recently modified the windscreen to clearly show its an EMS Motor.
  6. Almost a year to the day from the start of construction, the Oak Bluffs fire department moved into the new $8.3 million Fire/EMS building on Wing Rd, on Sunday, December 6. There are still small list items to be fixed, computers to be installed but the new 20,250-square-foot, 12-bay station is up and operational. The are sleeping quarters, a gym, medical treatment area, decon area, two training rooms, a full kitchen etc..... The department is staffed by a combination of Paid Fire/Paramedics and Volunteers. Providing Fire / EMS Protection to the Town of Oak Bluffs on the Island of Martha's Vineyard. We also assist other local communities with Fire/EMS mutual aid. Oak Bluffs FD/EMS also provides off Island EMS ground transport for patients that need a higher level of medical care than what Martha's Vineyard Hospital can provide after they provide initial medical stabilization. Yes, that's right we take the Ambulance on the ferry and typically transport to Boston Area Hospitals (approx 3hr transport one way). The station houses: An Ariel, Rescue, Dive Unit, Rehab Unit, Fire Command vehicle, 4 Engines, 4 Ambulances, and a Paramedic Quick Response Vehicle. In addition they also have have two boats on the water (MetalCraft 39.6 foot Jet Drive Boat and 19 ft skiff), a bicycle unit and separate house for the Antique and Museum. The house also features custom embroidered duty chairs with department patch About Martha's Vineyard: Martha’s Vineyard is approximately 96 square miles, roughly triangular in shape, 25 miles (42k) at it’s longest point east to west, and 9 miles (12.8k) at the longest point north to south. The Vineyard is home to 15,000 year-round residents. During the summer months the population increases to 115,000. Sixty-three percent of the homes on the Vineyard belong to seasonal residents. Martha's Vineyard is only accessible by Air and/or boat. A typical ferry ride is about 45 minutes to reach one of the two island ports. **Oak Bluffs primary response area is about 26 sq miles.
  7. We are starting a Motorcycle Medic Program here in the states for our department and will be on the Moto Guzzi Norge Police Edition. We are interested in using the same style coat as the UK/London EMS HI-VIS Motorcycle Paramedics. What is the brand/Manufacturer of the coat? What is the model #? What is the brand/manufacturer of the pants you are using...they seem to be leather? Any pros/Cons to the coat?
  8. We are starting a Motorcycle Medic Program here in the states for our department and will be on the Moto Guzzi Norge Police Edition. We are interested in using the same style coat as the UK/London EMS HI-VIS Motorcycle Paramedics. What is the brand/Manufacturer of the coat? What is the model #? What is the brand/manufacturer of the pants you are using...they seem to be leather? Any pros/Cons to the coat?
  9. Wow, I can believe I’ve been a member since 2005…times moves to fast I'll introduce myself again to the newbie’s as I am a dusty old dinosaur. I'm Michael aka “MEDIC ONE” I’ve been on the job for the past 23 years as a paid Paramedic/Firefighter, I also am a Race Track Fire Fighter - Nascar/ALMS/Grand AM/SCCA and Prior Military - Combat Medic / Military Horse Mounted Honor Guard (Presidential/Dignitary Escort/Funeral Detail). I’m an EMS-Instructor, Instructor in my home State’s Police Academy and an IPMBA EMS Cyclist (Medics on bikes) so you students out there send me a message if you have questions for your classes. Welcome to the forum be safe and smart on the streets.
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  10. Greeting again Police & EMS Bike Teams, We will be heading down to the IPMBA Bike Conference in Baton Rouge, La from CT in April and will have room in our trailer for bikes and a limited amount of seats avail in our truck. If anyone is planning to go and will be flying down we can provide transport for your bikes to save you all some money vs. shipping them. Our plan is to attend both pre-conference and conference so your bikes would be there available for both. If you are interested in us transporting your bikes or want to drive down with us please let me know asap. For more information on the International Police Mountain Bike Assoc Conference go to: www.ipmba.org Mike Salvatore DocOnWeelz@aol.com
  11. There will be a funeral procession for Easton EMS member, Lt Russell Neary on Saturday November 3rd. Units wishing to attend can meet at the Easton FD, 1 Center Road, Easton, at 9am for an 11am start. Units will march from EFD to Notre Dame Church located at 655 Morehouse Road, Easton Ct. Once there units will be able to attend the service and then return to EFD for refreshments. Questions or services rsvp please contact Asst Chief Jon Arnold 203-650-3961
  12. International Police Mountain Bike Association POLICE & EMS Bicycle Operations Course July 9 - 13, 2012 Westport, CT Location: Westport Emergency Medical Service A Division of Westport Police Department 50 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880 Classes run July 9 - 13, 2012 daily from 9-5 and will be held at Westport Police & EMS HQ Cost: $425 Tuition cost includes course fees plus initial IPMBA membership. Contact: Michael Salvatore msalvatore (at) westportCT.gov 203-341-6033 Lodging: Assistance can be made for local lodging Safety, job performance, and efficiency are at the root of this training program. EMS personnel on bikes can frequently respond more quickly than those in motor vehicles, especially in congested urban areas and in crowds. They are also effective in search-and-rescue operations, such as those resulting from natural disasters. Students learn basic and emergency bike-handling skills, riding single and in pairs under various traffic conditions, ways to effectively and safely pack equipment, techniques designed to safely handle EMS scenes, and personal safety techniques. This course is a must for EMS and SAR personnel seeking to develop and improve their riding skills and their use of the bike on the job. Prerequisites: Applicants must be EMS or SAR personnel currently assigned to bike patrol, officers applying to become members of a bike unit, or members of a department considering use of the bicycle. Course Length: minimum 32 hours Required Equipment: download .pdf Testing Procedure: written & on-bike Certification: IPMBA Certification is available to qualified personnel who successfully complete the practical test, earn a score of 76% or better on the written test, become members of IPMBA, and submit applications for certification accompanied by the appropriate fee. PD_Bike_flyer.pdf
  13. I am going to be moving to Martha's Vineyard for a six month gig (wife is a traveling ER Doc) and she is in process of taking a job there. Anyone up on how easy it is to get Mass Reciprocity. I am going to try and line up a part-time job there. From what I found on the Mass OEMS web page I can get an out of state paramedic work waiver based on Mass OEMS regulation "A/R 5-202" using form " OEMS 500-202". Anyone familiar with how that works? I know I have to test during the waiver period but can I start working as soon as the waiver is approved? I have contacted services on the island for employment information. Are there any medics that have applied for Mass reciprocity? How long is the process? Is the testing based on National Registry? I do have the state protocols to study from. I am a National Reg Paramedic, CT Lic Paramedic, and CT Lic EMS-Instructor. Michael "Medic One" NREMT-P / EMS-Instructor
  14. Yeah your right well heading west from CT anyone need a lift let me know I may take the department trailer so I'll have room to shuttle much more the excursion fits 8 so I have room for 5 more but realistically 4 so everyone will have leg room.
  15. IPMBA Bike Conference (St Paul, Minnesota) CARPOOL Looking for carpoolers heading to IPMBA (International Police Mountain Bike Assoc.) conference in St Paul Minnesota. I am taking some PD/EMS Cyclist programs. Leaving from Connecticut on April 26 or 27th returning May 5th or 6th via the following interstates: I-84 (CT to PA) I-81 (PA to OH) I-80 (Thru OH and Indiana) I-90 (Thru Chicago/Wisconsin) I-94 (Wisconsin into St. Paul) I will have room for two more bikes, your luggage and gear. I also have one extra bed in the room. PM Me if your along the route and want to share fuel/room costs. Mike Salvatore
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