You were just called out to the workplace of a female in her late 40's that is unresponsive.
Below is what I said and did. What would you have done differently and why?
BSI. Scene safe. Only patient. NOI- unresponsive. C-spine possible. No further assistance at this time.
Upon arrival- Patient is A/O x3. Complains of chest pain with radiating sensations down her left arm and up into her left jaw.
Transport is Priority at this time.
Airway is patent. Breath sounds are clear bilaterally in the lungs. Circulatory is good. No bleeding or mass bruising indicating a closed hemorrhage.
Complaint of chest pain
No allergies
Meds include: Aspirin regimen, nitro, Plavix, and another med for blood pressure.
Pertinent History: Had a cabbage done 10 yrs prior. No further history given.
Last oral intake: about an hour ago.
Event: shoveling corn at the grainery.
Onset: about 4 hrs. ago. Thought it was just heartburn due to spicy foods consumed.
Provocation: Nothing is working. Took 1 nitro about 15 min. ago.
Quality: Crushing and squeezing pain.
Radiating Pain: Down left arm and up into left jaw.
Severity: on the 1-10 scale Patient rates at a 8 or 9.
Time: started having arm and jaw pain about 2 hours ago. Ignored the pain due to already mounting medical bills. Husband also has history of heart problems.
Focused physical: Lungs are clear bilaterally. Pupils are PEARRL.
Vital signs: BP 160/92, HR 120, pulse is heavy and uneven. Skin is cooler and drier than normal. Breathing is shallow and slow.
O2 is by non-rebreather at 15 lpm. Start ALS for Cardiac complications. Prepare for Trans.
Contact MC for nitro and aspirin. 1 Nitro to be given and no aspirin at this time.
If no effect than 1 more can be given in 10 mins.
Gave one nitro after verifications were met.
Second Vital sets: pulse is uneven and thin. BP 80/50, HR 150, skin is starting to show signs of hypoxia. Breathing is labored and shallow.
Reconsider as a Priority Rapid Transport. Treat for shock and call ahead to hospital for response team.
Keep re-evaluating all vitals and interventions.