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Everything posted by cosgrojo

  1. Every time there is an Aurora Borealis visible in the sky my shift turns into a complete game no-hitter. 24 hours... no calls. To be fair... I've only worked during an Aurora Borealis once... but it was weird.
  2. If the person doesn't want to talk, don't make them. If they seem to feel better with conversation, and you don't know what to say, just talk about yourself. Tell them a story about your kid, or your sister/brother/mom/dad/uncle/whoever... Just make sure that you are not a hand talker... get my drift?
  3. But this is how I've gotten all my really cool scars! Chicks dig scars... :wink:
  4. For some years now I have worn a MRSA sticker on my employment badge as a little joke for people to laugh at. You can always tell the staff at hospitals you get the joke and those that think I'm serious. Not a shift goes by that a Nurse doesn't ask me "Do you have MRSA?." I usually answer with, "No, but a preventative measure of antibiotics will make sure that I do." or sometimes... "Don't you?" Make sure to wash with good 'ol soap and water (cut down on the purell), and either eat a lot of yogurt or take acidophilous supplements. That should keep the MRSA away.
  5. I thought this was a thread about professionalism, not volly vs. paid (a horse as dead as any in the history of dead horses). Professionalism is up to the individual EMT. You can work for an unprofessional boss or company, but still be a professional. You can be unprofessional and work for a professional outfit. Throw out your definitions for a second and think about the aura of a professional. They exude confidence and competence. They care when others do not, they perform when others can't, and they improve themselves when others don't. That's what I feel is professional EMS. If you would like to look stupid, feel free to disagree.
  6. Hey! I resemble that comment! :oops:
  7. Probably because the Red Cross program stinks... take an AHA course. :wink:
  8. Yeah... I know. "T'was a poor attempt at humour." Jeremy Irons as Hans Gruber, Die Hard 3. :roll:
  9. There is only one way to handle a guy like this... super-glue a non re breather to his a$$.
  10. Everything I do, I get paid for... if not... why do it? My wife is running out of money though... I charge for everything. :twisted:
  11. Dude- "Saved" is the bomb! :puke:
  12. ERdoc- Does this patient have tachy brady syndrome? Because it sounds just like a call I did recently. If so.. she needs a pacemaker!
  13. he can... but he prefers champagne.
  14. Do they have Starbucks in the Triangle of Death?
  15. This movie looks unwatchable. Granted we only got to see a little snippet of action, but it was worse than my 10th grade video production class video... and trust me, that was bad. I don't care about EMS generalizations, and the like... but make the acting good!!! For crying out loud! Make it entertaining! Funny is funny, whether it is an accurate depiction or not. And that clip was not funny.
  16. Hard to accomplish full chest recoil in this position... But interesting to picture in my mind...
  17. Yes actually, but it is mostly perpetrated by the medics who tell all the n00b B's and I's that they must request ALS for just about everything. The B's and I's pretty much end up learning nothing as they now only have the job of navigating to the hospital. But the next day when they are hanging out with their other n00b friends they talk about this awesome 911 call that they needed ALS for and they proclaim how awesome they are and how skilled they are and all the experience they have, but they still don't know how to do a sheet-transfer without causing patients pain. It is equal parts bad BLS providers not striving to get involved, and bad ALS providers not allowing any independent thought or evaluation.
  18. *anticipating ADMIN* Stay on topic. Please continue bashing spenac.
  19. I know... which is why I didn't quote you...
  20. Even worse!!! An ADMIN brown-noser too!!!!! I keep uncovering layers of deceit and conspiracies.
  21. It appears to me that I am helping you in your dastardly plan.... that is the genius of your evilness!! Curse you SPENAAAAAAAAAAAAC!
  22. I have a theory that spenac starts these threads for an easy way to make fast replies to up his status level and number of posts.... I'm still struggling to hit 200! *I'm on to you spenac* :wink:
  23. Hey now... let's not go overboard here... he's new to the site, and he has a ton of real world EMS experience and considerably more education than a BLS cert. Unfortunately.. Mr. Sdowler has the typing skills of a chicken trying to eat after being dosed up on Ritalin. Please don't make the mistake of thinking that these posts have anything to do with the person's intelligence or aptitude for EMS. It simply could be a lack of technological knowhow, or bad typing skills. I'm trying not to speak for him too much, but I know him personally, and he has more experience and knowledge than I have (I just talk a better game). I'm not saying let him off on his comments, but let's not go nuts here... and speedy, no offense... but you are 21? How much experience CAN you have? 3 years max... and you already admitted you are a recent Basic certificate recipient. So don't be offended if we don't just "take it from you."
  24. One pen, my wallet, pack of cigs, lighter. My partner is a whacker, he carries everything else. Oh... I also bring my brain, the most useful thing that can be brought on scene.
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