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About DeyKnight

  • Birthday 05/08/1986

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  • Location
    San Jose, CA

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Guess who's back in town? ;p

  2. Not really got much to say... California Bay Area EMT here... was here a loooooong time ago, and I'm back. Odds are most folks don't remember me, as it has been almost two years. lol Just hope I get as warm a welcome second time around as I did the first. Who's ready to rock'n'roll? Cheers.
  3. It amazes me how productive I've been since my computer's motherboard broke... Go figure.

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      There's life outside of computers?

      Say it aint so!!

    2. DeyKnight


      *dies laughing@Lone* :P

  4. Part of me wants to curl up and die from this headache... the other part wants to go running around the coffee shop going "DA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA BATMAN!!!!"

  5. It surprises me how many people are ignorant to what being an EMT entails. I told a friend yesterday I was an EMT and she didn't even know what it was. And even then I had to explain that we don't JUST drive the ambulance... oi. *shakes head*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DwayneEMTP


      Thank you for not telling here that you're a 'medic' just to keep things simple..

    3. DeyKnight


      I did teach! :D She's in her fifties and she thought I was crazy for wanting this job! Ah, maybe I am, but who's judging? ...and Dwayne, if I'd told her that, I would have confused her even more. :P

    4. kndoug1


      haha. My new roommate saw me going to class today and saw the medic student patch and goes "what's that mean? Aren't those the people that drive the ambulances?" And the girl standing next to her goes, "no, that's an EMT. Medics are the ones that tell the drivers where to go...they are walkin, talkin, GPS systems." I seriously died laughing and then had to explain to them what both levels of certs meant. I feel your pain Steph. Sometimes you gotta just laugh with t...

  6. Thank you, all three of you! I was a little worried I was gonna be passed over, being the oddball that I am, but hey! Awesome! Brian: Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely check out the forums! I'm still learning my way around the site, but that will be one of the first things I do once I'm confident in my site-navigation skills. I've figured out the downloads area, so I think I'll be ready to go later today! Rookie: Awesome! I'm glad quirks are so welcome here! I've had some issues in my class with a couple of guys who I guess felt I threatened their macho-ness or something, I'm still not clear on that one, so I figured a quirky-warning was a kindness to folks Dwayne: Thank you! That is quite the welcome! And a paramedic-intern is a medic student who is doing their clinical hours and their internship. Currently I'm looking for a paramedic preceptor to take me on as an intern so I can get my hours done and then go take my test! On another note, I'll definitely take a look at the scenario forums, those sound like a good tool. Nice catch on the not googling though I'm a bit of a google addict. lol Oh, and thanks for the warning about the "flirts". I figured there would be, but nice to know for sure. I'm really looking forward to taking advantage of everything on here, from reading the forums, to downloading whatever people upload to the downloads area, to discussing hypothetical cases with people in order to better prepare for what is out there that I might not have otherwise anticipated Thanks again, all three of you! Feel free to shoot me a message anytime! Cheers! -Stephanie
  7. Hello! My name is Stephanie, and I just joined at the suggestion of one of my fellow EMT friends. Just started my account today, so I'm still getting things set up, but I have no friends on here as of yet, so please feel free to say hello! I'm looking for a job as an EMT as well as trying to find a Paramedic Internship, so life is a LITTLE stressful at the moment, but hell, could be worse, right? I've been in the Bay Area for 2 years now, and I love it here! If there's anyone in south bay/San Jose area who wants to meet up and hang out, or even just wants to chat on here about what's going on with the EMS in the area... I'm your gal! Warning about me: I am quirky, but what EMT/Medic isn't? I'm very much new to the field, and so while I know more than most of my friends about the field, I by no means think I know it all compared to the majority of EMS workers out there! Heeeeelll no. I'm green! And I admit it! So come on! Say hi! Tease me when I do something that proves how green I am! Teach me something new! Make suggestions for what topics/forums/blogs to look into! Share your shenanigans! Anything! Can't wait to get to know y'all! Cheers! -Stephanie
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