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Everything posted by EMTDenny

  1. Thanks a lot Dwayne.
  2. A lot of awesome and different thing people like to do. I'm loving it. Like I said before I am into photography. I tried posting some of my photos up on the forum site but it is not letting me. Here is a link for my website, in case you guy wanted to see my work. http://dennyphotography.zenfolio.com/
  3. I was going to say that next. I was told, if I have to cut the PT sweater to get a good B/P, do it. I sometime see people take B/P with the sweater and jacket on..... I mean seriously B/P is never accurate if it's not on the PT arm properly.
  4. I haven't had much experience when it comes down to cutting. I do know when it's time to cut, CUT THE DAMN THING OFF. If it's in the way cut it off. It should not matter if its "My favorite shirt and color". Plus it's fun.
  5. Sending my love my and prayers for you guys!
  6. to be completely honest. I really don't think I have anything to say. My mind is blank! Plus I am still reading what you guys are saying. Maybe soon..
  7. This should be a good one. Good job! Wendy!
  8. Yeah i know, i was just taking the piss!! See I am getting the hang of it!
  9. Can we all just get along.
  10. I been meaning to ask. "taking the piss" whats that all about.
  11. Good advice. You don't want to jeopardize you're good work just by him not liking his student, and fail you for no reason.
  12. No work for me tomorrow!

  13. Sounds like my boss. I don't have an answer for you, as to why he is acting like that. All I can say is that, some people are just douche bags and miserable people. Maybe that's his way of liking the hard,dedicating working student. Other than that. WELCOME TO THE CITY! Keep us updated as to how it all works out! Denny
  14. So, thats where the subscribers money is going to. I knew it.
  15. Amazing! I would love to start martial arts. I just downloaded the demo for x-plane. After 10 min of not being able to get the plane of the ground, I deleted the software... LOL
  16. LOL good one.
  17. That's awesome buddy!
  18. Very cool.
  19. And the thread continues!!!!
  20. Thats horrible.
  21. ah damn, ruin my chance in surprising them with a photo.
  22. Yeah. I did hear about that one. I should give it a go.
  23. I always wanted to try it, but I dont think they make a software for mac os. Good one. Hiking is fun once in a while. I remember the last time i hike, it was for about 3 hours.. Nearly killed me.. I hate walking.
  24. Flight simming, wow that must be fun. Now, from a computer or an actual flight plane simulator?
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