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Everything posted by EMTDenny

  1. Stuck at work until midnight. So i am starting a topic from my iphone. I know i know creative right??? I love photography. Once I find out how to post albums in the gallery i will share them. I also like to play video games. Haven't had the time to play lately thought.
  2. That is a warm welcome from Kiwi, if you ask me. Considering, theirs a reason why Kiwi wrote that.
  3. Hahahah I was going to say the same thing erdoc. All of the sudden we are talking about pizza. Oh and the pizza I had earlier had the following toppings. Chicke,bacon,ranch sauce. Amazing Denny
  4. I just had some pizza for lunch.
  5. Hmm welcome. But I am curious, why would some one post their credentials?
  6. Maybe I am not allowed to edit more than once. I am still not able to edit. It's alright. Lesson learn. While the conversation was going on during the orientation, all I could think of was sharing this with you guys. And hell, 48 replies within 24 hours, pretty impressive.
  7. Jesus, I wonder when the fun actually begins! That last part had me dying laughing LOL Police association fundraiser LOL
  8. Work tonight at the hospital... Wish it was with my EMS company

  9. Any BBQ that aims for completely rotten drunkenness is pretty much an open invite. LOL you wrote that one quick. Funny ass hell. But just one hot dog.
  10. Now that's a BBQ I would go too.
  11. Stunning me as always. *scratches that idea from the light bulb notebook." Damn I was seriously going to mention that idea to the right people... LOl just kidding. I have so much to learn.
  12. The last interview I was in which was a couple of weeks ago, kept asking me over and over if my driver license record is CLEAN!! Some companies really care about those records.
  13. i was in the same boat as you were a while ago. I receive my card on Sept of 2011, and I just now got call backs for jobs.... I mean, I wasn't that mad or pissed off cause, I already had a full time job and i was just actually looking for either perdium or part time work. I now have 1 part time job doing inter-facilities transports while driving Mercedes Benz sprinters for ambulances which I have to say it is freaking awesome! And I also have a perdium job on the side another IFT. the pay rate sucks.. 11.25 and 11.00 and hour. But I'm just grateful I finally got my foot in the door. I do too want to get into paramedic school. Hang in there man. It's great your keeping us updated. Something is bound to come a long soon. It sounds like you have a great passion for EMS just like I do, which is awesome. Good luck bro Denny
  14. Good point point Dwayne.
  15. Exactly what should have been done. During the conversation there was no mention of medical control being called.
  16. HAHAHA, damn those upstate Volleys. When I volley we have blood pressure cuffs in the bag. Thanks! Wendy.
  17. Wow this is why I love EMT city. Plenty of opinions to go around. Love it.
  18. I agree. That does look like it can be a liability problem. I have no experience what so ever with this drug Nalaxone , but maybe they should come up with some kind of protocol, when it is given to the patient they can not RMA. It seems to me that every time a patient is breathing again, once Narcan is used they can be competent and A&O to the max to RMA. Just saying. I've experience this before.
  19. Yeah i know, I wanted to make changes but I used up my edit....
  20. This is another good point. But couldn't the lawyers of the pt side have a field day with this if the pt family gotten involved and decided to pull up the PCR to look at what happen. The PCR shows, yes the Pt was clearly competent after NARCANE was given and died hours later? The lawyers would go thru every detail and side affect of that drug and turn everything on the unit that was called to the call. It sucks but it happen I hear. that was the point the EMT was trying to make. Forcing the pt to go to the hospital is more like kidnapping. I find this interesting cause I really don't want to do something like this.
  21. Extremely good point you got there. Those detail were left out while the EMT was explaining the story to us. Evidently that paramedic did not care. Then again, we do not know the other side of the story. I also want to apologize in advance. I could have written a better post then the one I just posted. I did not know the edit feature can only be use once.
  22. What was told, and what I heard. Emt and paramedic responded to a over dose call. "My partner the paramedic gave narcane to the PT. Once the PT woke up after a while the PT kept asking us to not take her to the hospital. We took it to out best judgement since the PT was A&Ox3 they were able to sign the RMA and not be taken to the hospital" I am not a paramedic but after giving narcane is it alright to RMA the PT if they asked? With out even calling medical control? I don't know if that cleared it up.
  23. So, today was my last day of a 3 day job orientation for my new part time EMT position. I am not going to go into detail of how everything went cause I will be saving that for another post. Around noon, we started talking about documentation. Blah blah blah and so on falling asleep... etc you know... Then we got to the topic of RMA. Now here comes the fun part and please Anyone can give their opinions cause it was a hell of a conversation that woke me right up. One of the new EMT said. "My partner and I who ride as EMT and a paramedic responded to a call of a drug addict who OD themselves with opium's. My partner( the paramedic) gave narcane and of course the PT was now alert. The Pt said Oh I want a RMA Thanks for helping me... EMT and paramedic said, she looks A&Ox3 sure" Now that started a major debate! It was intense. The orientation instructor was furious at what he just heard. He is a paramedic, health specialist from OSHA something like that and risk management. He Said " If I knew or find out who that paramedic is, I will have his card in a heart beat" Of course, during the argument the instructor was saying and most of the paramedics in class also that after narcane is given the PT needs to go on some 6 hour watch cause they can go into an arrest and needs to be transported to the hospital. this surely looks like the paramedic was just being lazy. and not following protocol at all. The EMT strictly brought up this conversation cause he thinks the PT should not be force to go to the hospital if they do not want to. Which led to that insane topic.I mean seriously Implied consent was being thrown at him the whole time of the conversation. I just wanted to share that story cause it had me on the edge. Denny
  24. Awesome! I hope everything works out for you!
  25. Welcome, nice to have you join!
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