So, today was my last day of a 3 day job orientation for my new part time EMT position. I am not going to go into detail
of how everything went cause I will be saving that for another post.
Around noon, we started talking about documentation. Blah blah blah and so on falling asleep... etc you know...
Then we got to the topic of RMA. Now here comes the fun part and please Anyone can give their opinions cause it was a hell of
a conversation that woke me right up.
One of the new EMT said. "My partner and I who ride as EMT and a paramedic responded to a call of a drug addict who OD
themselves with opium's. My partner( the paramedic) gave narcane and of course the PT was now alert. The Pt said Oh I want a
RMA Thanks for helping me... EMT and paramedic said, she looks A&Ox3 sure" Now that started a major debate! It was
intense. The orientation instructor was furious at what he just heard. He is a paramedic, health specialist from OSHA something
like that and risk management. He Said " If I knew or find out who that paramedic is, I will have his card in a heart beat"
Of course, during the argument the instructor was saying and most of the paramedics in class also that after narcane is given the PT
needs to go on some 6 hour watch cause they can go into an arrest and needs to be transported to the hospital. this surely looks like
the paramedic was just being lazy. and not following protocol at all. The EMT strictly brought up this conversation cause he thinks
the PT should not be force to go to the hospital if they do not want to. Which led to that insane topic.I mean seriously Implied consent
was being thrown at him the whole time of the conversation. I just wanted to share that story cause it had me on the edge.