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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. I saw this on the news this morning. Another tragedy that would have most certainly been avoided if directions had been followed. I hope the second child survives this. There is a reason your supposed to vacate the residence while using a fogger. In this case there was far to much "fogging" for the size of the residence. If you could incarcerate someone for stupidity, this women would most definitely be a candidate.
  2. Well damn. I thought about applying to Charleston County when I move to SC next year (hopefully). Now though, I think I'll stick with Horry County or Florence County. Since I'm going to be in Conway SC, I could do with either or work for Brunswick County in NC. Decisions, decisions. Charleston County doesn't sound like anything I'd be interested in.
  3. Eh! In response to stniuqs poll. I cannot understand the objection to receiving the vaccine. I would think that as frontline healthcare providers we would be queuing up to be vaccinated. It is not whether you feel the need for it. If you don't get vaccinated, contact H1N1 and pass it on to your patients you are doing a disservice. Nobody thinks twice about getting a Rubella vaccine, tetanus shot etc. When it comes to something new however, there is always opposition. For the most part, we operate in a very small enclosed environment. If your patient shows mild symptoms of H1N1, do you think your chances of exposure are increased? Think about it for a minute. How many times have you been in the ambulance and your patient coughs? to many to count I imagine. I have received my vaccine w/o any complications. My reason was simple. I don't want to contract H1NI.
  4. Thanks Firefly! I can't believe I just spent the last 1 1/2 hours watching the first 2 episodes!
  5. I wear the Original Swat boot. It has the side zipper on both the short and tall boot. They come in steel and non-steel toe, however I recommend the steel toe boot for this type of work. I've had me current pair for 2 years and most likely have them for another year or so. It only took about 3 shifts to wear these boots in. A bonus is they hold a nice shine! Whatever you decide, do not buy boots online w/o trying a pair on. Everyone's feet are different and it may take several pairs before you find the right one. Good lock with your search.
  6. Thanks 65! After I recert in ACLS, PEPP and ITLS at the end of November, I'll start looking for a NRP class.
  7. Hey Kelly! Welcome to EMT City! We have a least one member here that works for Peterborough (or is it Lindsay?) who might be able to help you. I think though, you might be having a difficult time finding EMT classes because the only EMS provider level in Ontario is Paramedic. Here is a link to get you started. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/program/ehs/edu/schools.html I don't know how up to date this list is, But I think the closest programme to you would be Oshawa. It's not to far from Port Hope! I have to add, for the most part the FD in Ontario doesn't provide EMS service. Your local EMS service would be a better way to obtain some info from people who have gone through it already. Good luck!
  8. NRP is one class I haven't taken yet but am planning to. I must admit, I never considered using a DI in a infant. It does make sense though. After doing a search the information is favourable in doing so. This is why I keep coming back to the City. The information you learn here is endless.
  9. What does going commando have to do with accessing a building? Nevermind, I reread your context. I agree though, She get's my nomination for this years Darwinism of the Year award.
  10. Hey Nate! Glad to see you're still around. Yeah, the City has changed but the majority of the same folks are still here as well as some really interesting new members.
  11. Timmy, according to one of the "comments", the poster thought the T-shirt was supposed to be worn UNDER her turnout gear. But whatever, I see it as a non-issue. If you want to join the fire brigade, that is the uniform. Wear a sports bra maybe.
  12. I'll give ya a +1 for coming back. It's been a long time since you graced us with your presence. Sadly, I will be unable to attend the conference. I am renewing my ACLS,PEPP and ITLS that wknd.
  13. You realise of course that there isn't a level of provider called CCEMT-P. CCEMTP is another alphabet course, albeit an excellent one. I plan on attending one in the very near future. Anyone who claims to be a CCEMT-Paramedic is just doing so to make themselves sound more important. In reality, they took the initiative to upgrade their education. Kudos for that! http://ehs.umbc.edu/CE/CCEMT-P/
  14. I hear ya on the invited back part. Oh, and thanks for living up to the Canadian stereotype !
  15. This is exactly why EMS needs to be a stand alone part of Public Safety to work along side of the FD and PD and not be some afterthought or source of revenue for the FD. I do not hesitate to say that a good number of the membership on this board DO have further education beyond the traditional high school and academies. I know that most, if not all commenting in this thread do. I can not speak for the others but my jest of what Ventmedic and Paramedicmike are saying is, with further education including a AAS for entry into the profession of prehospital medicine, we will become a separate entity because the majority of FD's won't send there recruits to college for 2 years, or attract paramedics to the FD because they have just invested 2 years of their lives minimum, obtaining a EMS degree. The onus of course, is on the individual to step up and make the commitment. I think we all agree on that. The only thing the IAFF will do is fight such a entry level of education tooth and nail! It takes a lot of commitment to want to do prehospital medicine. My education did not end when they handed me my diploma. Con-ed requirements must be met, there are classes on just about any topic you want to know about if you just search for them. Currently I am working on my BS in Emergency Medical Science. I have a degree in Biology albeit I'd have to blow the dust off it. The education process is continuous. The point is, we as a profession MUST progress to a AAS degree minimum to move forward and try and catch up to the rest of the world when it comes to EMS. In my home Country of Canada, a EMT-B wouldn't even be allowed on a emergency ambulance. The entry level Paramedic which has a skill set akin to the EMT-I here has 2 years of full-time college education! Somehow, 120 hrs doesn't really compare.
  16. Dust, you hit the nail on the head! Nothing, pisses me off more than being called to a "vehicle off the road" when all the guy was doing is fishing. Never, ever does the caller stop and investigate. I mean, if your concerned enough to call, don't you think you should stop and check to see if someone requires assistance?
  17. I don't know how much money it would generate, but it might go a long way to covering the cost of the ambulance and crew responding. This makes sense to me. I mean, someone thought their emergency was worthy of calling 911. We respond and then they say they don't want to treated or transported, just checked out because they thought their BP was high. Should there not be a charge for this? There will always be exceptions to the rule ie: MVC not requiring transport. That said, if I am called to a residence for the resident by the resident, there should be charge for this, especially frequent fliers. I think frequent fliers should be charged with misuse of 911 but that is a different thread.
  18. Due to the proximity of the hospital, 25 minutes from the further part of the district in which I am stationed, my partner and I have made use of the helicopter transport once in two years. In that case we had multiple patient's and the extrication of one was going to be in excess of 30 minutes. When we arrived on scene and had completed scene size-up and triage, the decision to call for additional resources including aero transport was made. I should add that the helo service is stationed at the hospital we transport to. There are 3 available, but honestly by the time they lift off, fly to our location, land, are given a report, load the pt then fly back to the hospital, we could be there by ground. Only in extreme cases will we fly anyone from a scene. When it comes to treating my patient's appropriately and transporting them effectively, the cost of the transport never enters my mind. We do what is best for the patient.
  19. I had the same thought last night Micheal. Problem was, as soon as they popped the kid with Narcan IM, I had to excuse myself to the restroom and never turned the channel back. I tried to watch episode 3 with my wife, an OR nurse who admittedly knows "nothing" about prehospital medicine. We watched the first 10 minutes or whatever than changed the channel to "Dancing with the Stars". My misses commented that it was stupid and really, really bad acting, which is my biggest beef with this show. I could sluff off the inaccuracies in treatment if it was entertaining! Somehow, watching Donnie Osmond doing the "Charleston" was more entertaining than Trauma.
  20. And it really, really sucks! It's not even good drama. Law and Order is good TV. Criminal Minds is good TV. Trauma just bites!
  21. Don't worry Doc,someone bumped ya back up! Our orientation usually lasts about 3 mths. This includes being cleared to drive by a State approved EVOC driving evaluator, not just your partner, at least a 4 shifts riding as a third but that timeline is flexible, not everyone needs this much time. It all depends on the individual. Yes, we have guidelines but that's exactly what they are. Not everybody fits into the same mold. Why hold someone back that is capable of working as a second? Conversely, some require more time to get comfortable in that role.
  22. We don't use a vent per se, However we use an oxylator. I have only had to use this device once but it worked like a dream. I actually started running a code by myself when I was on the QRV (Quick Response Vehicle) using the Auto Pulse, Oxylator and a EJ, while I waited for the ambulance crew. Logistics being what they are, I just happened to be around the corner when the call came in. Anyway, I have not used it enough to really form an opinion. All I know is the one time I did the device did what it was supposed to do. http://www.lifesavingsystemsinc.com/em100.htm
  23. Agreed, although parody is a required taste. I am a huge Monty Python fan as some here can attest to. Not everyone gets it though. Personally, I laughed my ass off at Nicks video! Thanks for offering your perspective Dr. Bledsoe, as always it is greatly appreciated.
  24. Can't do it 65. I'm a professional!
  25. Pffffftt! LMAO! You mean I shouldn't wear a squad T-shirt to the conference? I will make every attempt to be there again this year. Had a great time last year even though its Ohio in December!
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