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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. Fixed that for ya. In all honesty, this kinda thing pisses me off too. If you are asking about the way a patient was treated and why, that's one thing. Trying to explain something to me is quite another. That's what I was thinking Vent.
  2. Condolences to all effected by this tragedy. Not to sound callous, as I truly sympathize with all, but what a predicament for the medic's partner to be placed in. Who, do you work? I'm not sure what I would do in the situation if presented to me. Any of the more senior medics had this happen?
  3. Eric, We have a service here that the coroner contacts to transport DOA's or codes that had the usual outcome as we, as an ALS EMS service do not transport to the morgue. The people who staff these transport units I don't think are EMT's but that is only a guess. Morticians assistants I believe have a fairly extensive education.
  4. Good luck. I know a few medics who work there and they like it. Two of the guys have been there for 7 and 6 years respectively. They are a busy service and utilize SSM. It works for them though as they are usually on a call anyway. You will also be starting in time for Panthers Football! Bonus! p3, New Hanover EMS is for you then. Located in Willmington NC located on the coast, they provide EMS for New Hanover County and CCT for New Hanover regional. They also operate the helo service I believe, but not entirely positive of that. You will be hard pressed to find a Fire based EMS service in NC. Of the top of my head I can only think of one. It just happens to be where I am though. Dammit!
  5. I agree with Kat. In our little corner of the universe, etCO2 is mandatory on ALL ett intubations. There has been a significant increase in successful intubations as per the Medical Director although I have not seen data to back up that claim, so take it as you will. Only recently we have been given a bougie on the ambulance. I have used it once for a pt. who was extremely anterior. Great little tool. Apparently, the Medical Director is satisfied that we have a handle on the intubation that we recently trained on the Melker surgical cric kit. Just another tool to manage the airway.
  6. Welcome from Pitt County NC. Where are you, Forsyth County? Just guessing as you stated you were in Central NC.
  7. JakeEMTP


    Well, the Blue Jays are only 1 1/2 hrs. away. MEDIC in Charlotte NC is hiring currently. Here is their website address. www.medic911.com Good luck with your search.
  8. Advancing your education is never a waste of time. Once you have completed your EMT-B class, simply wait until you turn 18. While your waiting for that to happen, enroll in some other classes. See if you can ride as a junior member at a squad although I realise this could prove difficult in the Miami-Dade area. Good luck and don't rush into anything. Enjoy your youth and when your 18 you can test.
  9. Sorry AK. Let me try it this way. http://www.ems1.com/ems-products/administr...amedic-program/
  10. Kudos to the Yakima WA. council for not bowing down to the scare tactics of the FD. http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2009/...o-to-paramedics Read some of the comments from the citizens of Yakima and see if you can spot the FF!
  11. True. However, my 2400 sq. ft home cost me approx. $180,000.00 in NC. A comparable home in SoCal is approx. 750,000.00. It's all relative.
  12. Exactly. Patients Triage status can change. It is important to continuously reassess your pt.'s.
  13. Here is the "New and Improved" North Carolina Spinal Clearance protocol. We haven't inplimented it yet locally, but our Medical Director says we will be doing so soon. http://www.ncems.org/pdf/Pro12-SpinalImmob...onClearance.pdf
  14. No, you mean the proper way. For $30 G's, I might want to add that to my bucket list.
  15. Here is Paramedic White's Statement of the event in question. http://static.ktul.com/documents/emtstatement_0509.pdf
  16. Ours does too Kat. Physicals, cholesterol check, BGL checked, ECG, BP etc. My employer will work with us through the hospital to correct any problems or potential problems. That being said, I have yet to see anyone be dismissed over this. However, there is a time frame in place to reach a certain weight, cholesterol level etc. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I do know it is enough time to reach one's goal. I'm 48 y/o and can do this job as well as or better than some of the younger medics. The difference is, I'm not all full of piss and vinegar. I take the time to assess the situation and treat accordingly. I'm positive some of our younger staff get wood when the tones go off! I'd rather have a partner who has some life experiences than someone who thinks they do.
  17. LMAO! I love how the Medic goes back to his crossword after the delivering the juice!
  18. I liked the video. Not really "fluffy" or overly dramatic like the stupid recruitment video from PA. Just a very well presented video. While I am also not a fan of Rap music, I thought it was well done. Good job by Farooq.
  19. I feel fairly confident the taxpayers paid for these pieces of apparatus. Like some other FD's, equipment you don't need is easily obtained through the FireFighter's Assistance Grant. That means, you and I paid for these.
  20. Benzo boy, NR does not increase standards. It tests providers to see if the educational standards put forth by the DOT are being taught. How many times do we need to post this. You and your knuckle draggers would do yourselves, and more importantly your patients a favour by entering into the NR process, but I digress. You may consider EMS a stepping stone job, but the majority of providers I know are in this for the long haul. I realise in SoCal you have little opportunity to actually provide for your patients due to your limited protocols, but on this side of the country, we can actually function as a medic as paramedicine is meant to be practiced.
  21. True. But hitting a toll booth? Not an accident. I drove a much bigger vehicle, with the sun in my eyes and never hit anything. Ever take a semi onto the GW bridge? THAT, is a narrow toll lane!
  22. I was going to ask the same question. As much praise as I have for Austin/Travis EMS, there still seems to be a least 1 dumbass working there.
  23. JakeEMTP

    SC medics sued

    " Beaufort County EMS owns 15 ambulances and 2 quick response units , all of which are capable of being staffed on a moment's notice. We staff 8 advanced life support ambulances and 2 quick response units 24 hours a day 365 days a year." Quote from the Beaufort County EMS website. It would appear as if it was indeed a ALS crew. I feel for the medic. Based on the info provided, I might be inclined to agree with their destination choice. Short of having a CT in the ambulance, how can we determine the extent of his injuries? If the pt. was maintaining his airway, answering questions appropriately, A & O, can we justify a 50 min transport to a Level 1 Trauma centre? Again, I wasn't there and didn't assess this pt. MOI alone does not justify a Level 1 Trauma centre.
  24. Do you think he meant break? Don't they teach English at the Fire Academy? "I'm not too bright, but I sure can lift a lot"
  25. Picking and choosing which patient's you are exposed to is BS. If your going to be in the ambulance, your going to have to assist your medic. Seizure calls, for the most part aren't all that bad. Why would he think being on a trauma call (ie: Accident call) is more appropriate? Your a member of a team when your riding. I can't pick and choose which calls I go on and your medic shouldn't be choosing for you either. Either your old enough (read mature) to ride or your not. Only you can make that decision.
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