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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. leave it, I hate cats, Daytona 500 tickets
  2. Somehow, this doesn't shock me the way it should considering the woes of this dept. http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0908/554337.html
  3. Leave it. Instant mashed potatoes make me gag. A Sweet Tea
  4. Fixed. Yeah, this topic comes up fairly regularly here so there must be some merit to it. I have watched members attitudes change as time goes by. They first come here saying that EMT-B is the shyte. I hate to say it but, I was that way when I first joined EMTCity way back when. Then after being involved in these types of discussions, they begin to see that education is indeed lacking at their current certification level and some choose to progress or advance their education. Some don't of course and that's a shame. So while this maybe redundant to you, newer members might not have had the chance to participate in this discussion and we should welcome their input.
  5. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650mg Suppository Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 120mg Suppository Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 325mg tablets Activated Charcoal 25gm Adenosine 6mg or 12mg Albuterol 2.5mg/3ml Aspirin 81mg tablets Atropine 1mg/10ml Calcium Chloride 1gm Cordarone (Amiodarone) 150mg/3ml Dextrose 50% 50ml Diazepam (Valium) 10mg Diltiazem (Cardizem) 25mg/5ml Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 50mg Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25mg tablets Dopamine 400mg Epinephrine 1:1000 1mg/ml Epinephrine 1:10000 1ml/10ml Fentanyl 50mcg Furosemide (Lasix) 20mg Glucagon 1mg Haloperidol (haldol) 5mg/1ml Ipratropium (Atrovent) 2.5ml Ketorolac Tromethiamine (Torodol) 30mg Labetalol 20mg/4ml 1% Lidocaine 20mg/ml 2% Lidocaine Jelly Lidocaine 100mg Magnesium Sulfate 4g/100ml Magnesium Sulfate 1g Methylpredinsolone (Solu-Medrol) 125mg Midazolam (Versed) 5mg Morphine Sulfate 10mg Naloxone 2mg Naloxone 0.4mg/ml Nitro Paste Nitroglycerin 1/150gr (0.4mg) Nitronox Ondanestron (Zofran) 4mg/2ml Oxymetazoline (Afrin) 0.05% Promethazine Hydrochloride 25mg Sodium Bicarbonate 50mEq Thiamine 100mg Per Pitt County NC Protocols
  6. Agreed. I know I paid my own way through school.. Anyway, if the EMT-B's were required to upgrade to paramedic, I think I could safely say they would leave the profession in droves. All that book learnin' and all.
  7. Hey Asys, Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I for one will miss your wit, experienced insight and professionalism here. I sincerely hope that you find what you are looking for. Don't be a stranger.
  8. Interesting indeed. I will be watching for further developments. I wonder if they could do this in Florida, or at least Naples. :wink:
  9. 12 of 14 firemedics failing a pharmacology exam is not a fluke. It is an indication of just how serious they take EMS. I would hazard a guess they didn't even study for the exam. Failing it would get them off the ambulance or ALS calls on the engine. This is indeed scary to me. Could this possibly be another sign of why Fire and EMS should be separate?
  10. Yeah, they had me going for a minute also. Volunteerism is a wonderful social activity if we are talking about cleaning up the parks, Habitant for Humanity etc. However, when we are talking about medicine, which EMS is, there is no room for it.
  11. Impressive list. With the following Military bases in the State of NC, we figure there isn't a hole big enough to hide in. We may even be #1 on the hit list. Marine Corp Base Camp Lajeune Pope Air Force Base MCAS Cherry Point Air Force Base Seymour Johnson US Army Fort Bragg US Coast Guard Air Station
  12. Well, not quite over a year. More like 6 mths. Regardless, Kaisu is indeed a paramedic.
  13. The demo looks good. I will pass this on to the College here. I know I'll download it.
  14. Agreed. I will be looking forward to reading it. Kudos to the crew! =D>
  15. We have the same " out of the shoot " time here. Although if we miss it, they don't fine us. 5 min to be en route is rediculous. In fact, it would be laughable if not so tragic. The simple answer is, if you want to pull call, be at the station. Sorry if it inconveniences you. The first word in EMS is emergency. If it takes you 5 min. to respond to the station, then to the call, well, I guess it's not an emergency after all. The code is over, just bring the monitor in.
  16. No, you're not missing something, but allow me to explain. I am a CDN. My wife and I immigrated ( legally I might add ) here 3 years ago.
  17. The opinion on this topic varies on this site. I for one would suggest beginning medic classes immediately after completing your EMT school. Having gone the route you propose, I cannot see any benefit to delaying your advancement to Paramedic. I can only comment on the College courses as that is what I did. My options were either a certificate course or AAS degree. I chose the Degree mainly because I felt the further education would make me a stronger medic. Time will tell if this proves to be the truth, but I'm still happy I chose the Degree. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  18. http://my.break.com/content/view.aspx?ContentID=484090 Could this be the problem?
  19. Come Monday - Jimmy Buffett
  20. Agreed. We recently received some new vests, 3 for each ambulance. We have been instructed by the powers that be that we WILL wear them on ALL MVC scenes. Personally, I have no problem with that. In fact, I'm glad they're looking out for me.
  21. I have been following this thread with interest since it's inception. I have no idea when it comes to billing what is what, thus my lack of contributions to this thread. I understand the difference between ALS and ALS II and the criteria for both. I assumed that there was an increase in the rate charged due to the services rendered but to what extent I don't know. The wealth of information provided here daily is what brings me back. It's true you learn something new everyday. Thank you all for your input. just my 1 3/4 cents.
  22. Incorrect. We work with FD's regularly and we provide all patient care. My partner or myself will be in the vehicle providing pt. care if access is at all possible. If not, we'll start outside the vehicle. Point being, FD doesn't handle pt. care here, they fight fires and extrication as Timmy suggests. Not everywhere has adopted this policy of EMS based Fire suppression.
  23. Thanks Micheal. Awesome link!
  24. Terri, Without question when I was going to die. That last 6 months would be awesome. Which item could you live without, cell phone or Computer?
  25. Here is some info on ITLS. Hope it helps you a little bit. http://www.itrauma.org/education/
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