The first and only time I was a pt in then ambo was when I was 16 ( I can't believe I even remember this, must be the scar :wink: ), Anyway, it was when I was playing hockey up in Norden Ontario. It was the first time I tore ligaments in my knee. The ambo arrived and the loaded me up, still in full equipment except for the lid. The ambulance attendants ( as this was 1976 ) were making it worse, the phrase " does this hurt? " comes to mind :roll: It was some ordeal to remove my equipment in the ED as it hurt like hell! Soon, the MD came and looked at it. During his exam, he's twisting and turning my leg!!!!! :shock:. His next statement, was, and I quote, " you're injury doesn't seem to be conducive to your complaint", WTF? get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I've had 2 surgeries since then on the same knee. Last time he said " see ya in 10 yrs " lol.
I have also informed my partner that if I ever need them to pick me up, keep the trauma shears to yourself. There's no way they're cutting my clothes off ( unless she's hot, right Dust?)