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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. LOL I can assure you, NOBODY working in EMS in Canada works for $9.50/hr or even $13.46 for that matter.
  2. That's a good thing SSG G-man. I beleive that would constitute " Wanker of the year". Honours :roll:
  3. I'll have to go to the bank and get a bunch of $5's. Aussiephil had the right idea. :occasion5: :evil4:
  4. I would like to be a cross between a Lion and a Pig next time around. :snorting: :lol:/ As for the cat's urine experiment, obviously our tax dollars at work. Someone most likely got a grant to study that. :roll:
  5. Not at all 8! You're not my partner. :wink:
  6. Helping someone else ready their ambo is a nice gesture, provided your own unit is ready for service. He works for a different company. Your responsibility while on duty is your own unit. I can understand your partners point of view on this. As far as the cell phone issue, 5 or 6 times is way to much, especially while working. 20 or so years ago, nobody had a cell phone and we got along just fine. We'd talk to our spouses, live-ins, or call our gf/bf, then say" I"ll see you after work". Professionalism is what we strive for. Stealing an hour from your employer, which is what you're doing since you are paid, is not professional at all.
  7. Just doing a little post whoring LOL :wink:
  8. -15 for multiple posting.
  9. The first and only time I was a pt in then ambo was when I was 16 ( I can't believe I even remember this, must be the scar :wink: ), Anyway, it was when I was playing hockey up in Norden Ontario. It was the first time I tore ligaments in my knee. The ambo arrived and the loaded me up, still in full equipment except for the lid. The ambulance attendants ( as this was 1976 ) were making it worse, the phrase " does this hurt? " comes to mind :roll: It was some ordeal to remove my equipment in the ED as it hurt like hell! Soon, the MD came and looked at it. During his exam, he's twisting and turning my leg!!!!! :shock:. His next statement, was, and I quote, " you're injury doesn't seem to be conducive to your complaint", WTF? get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I've had 2 surgeries since then on the same knee. Last time he said " see ya in 10 yrs " lol. I have also informed my partner that if I ever need them to pick me up, keep the trauma shears to yourself. There's no way they're cutting my clothes off ( unless she's hot, right Dust?)
  10. I would like to think we are Nate. Not just for them, but for myself also. You, me and everyone else here is taught to help people. I'm not saying there is anything that can be done. Just that I feel we should at least try. Being the father of 2 girls, I know I would hate it if help arrived and did absolutely nothing. I think of the parents as pt's in this case, as well as the child. If I at the very least initiate CPR, then they know someone tried and it may help them in their grief.
  11. Excellent point Nate. I again have been lucky enough not to have to deal with this situation. I think if I was faced with it though, I would try and do something to as you say, help the parents deal with their loss.
  12. Definitely, Rectophobia - fear of rectal diseases. I thought most EMS professionals would have this one. If you don't, you will after your first call to a rectal bleed. I didn't see wankerphobia, but I found out I had it last night. FF rookie school is the same time as our medic class.
  13. I don't have any estrogen issues ( I hope :shock: ), I think these can be used by the opposite sex. As for the other's, I tend to watch from afar. They are all true, and scary if you ask me. LMAO! Can I say sex here?
  14. Way kewl Rid! I really appreciate that link.
  15. First off, Welcome to EMT City. I don't think anyone is saying or even questioning volunteers skills, well perhaps some, but you have to admit, there are some real wankers out there. What the general consensus is, is that volunteer services aren't really necessary except for the most remote areas. Therefore, they are taking away paid full time jobs from ppl who invested 2 yrs of school (medic) because they want to give their services and education away for free and that's just crazy. It has been posted many times in this thread so I won't reiterate. But ask the trash man next time and see if he is doing it for free. I doubt he'll say yes.
  16. Not me rat, that was my ex with our first child! Just the thought of it gives me a gag reflex. :pukeright: The person below me thinks G. W. Bush is sexy.
  17. My primary partner and I usually get a BGL with the 2nd set of vitals on medical pt's depending on the severity of the call. Maybe it's due to the large number of large people here :roll:, but the ED seems to want this info. They're going to do it anyway I am told, so we might as well, "git - r - done!"
  18. Sort of a Dentist's drill eh Rayster? I'm surpised you didn't list Noplayoffsphobia being a die hard Maple Leaf fan. Just kidding, you know we love ya. :wink:
  19. :shock: Brat, that is the total package right there. Super Wanker! BTW, do you really need a AVL in Nor' Bay?
  20. Agreed. A DNR is what it is. Although it maybe sad as I have never had to deal with this particular scenario, we must follow the law. There is no distinction between adults and children when it comes to a DNR.
  21. Yeah, that's what I meant. I guess i should have elaborated the fact that EMS was on scene. :roll:
  22. But of course, how forgetful of me :oops:
  23. Interesting read to say the least. The 2nd class I attended in Basic class, the instructor stated and I quote, " If it isn't documented, you didn't do it". That seems to be the case here. As for how the medics handled the attempted RSI, I wasn't there so I can't judge them. That being said, it sounds as if they failed to follow protocols and the assistance of a MD. I'm really not qualified to say, however I think I would have let him insert the tube in the Urgent care centre.
  24. LOL! I always like Dave Barry. I found most of those to be true :shock: Especially #'s 12 and 16. Number 15 reminded me of that Fedex commercial, when they required the assistance of some suit ( management). When he informed them that he couldn't work in the mail room because he had an MBA, the women said she would have to show him how too do it. Classic!
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