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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. There are many opportunities for Paramedic employment right here in the Tarheel. I'm sure you have seen this site but just in case, here it is. http://www.ncems.org/employment.htm If you want to look Nationally, here is another. http://www.911hotjobs.com/firetitle/paramedic.htm
  2. I have never seen that before. An interesting and thoughtful read. However, isn't this the sort of thing we slammed the FF about last week? :?
  3. Hold on there Scooter! Some ppl have several careers before they find the right one. Age discrimination is against the law. As a matter of fact, I'm on my 3rd career change, but I guess I'm not serious about it. :roll:
  4. 42% Dixie, Barely in Yankeedom. Not bad for a Canadian. I'm slowly being converted lol.
  5. I bitched out myself because I'm naked :bootyshake: (just for something different :roll:)
  6. I really don't have a problem with the term EMT-B, because quite frankly, anybody who wants to be one, can ( and I am one ). Where I do have a problem is when it comes to paramedic. I would be quite happy if the dropped the EMT-P and went with just Paramedic. After all, it's approx. 1100 hrs or more as opposed to 160 hrs, 2 years in some cases as opposed to, well , you get the picture. I'm not slamming Basics, I am one currently. But really, Basic is more of a tech, don't you think?
  7. Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. I would hope your injury wouldn't restrict you from continuing to teach. Also, have you considered dispatching? It would be refreshing to know the person on the " other side " had a clue as to what the call was about. :wink:
  8. What's your name? Hammer, that's right I remember going to a MVA one time a frequent call here, since everybody drives as if only given the chance, they could be the next Richard Petty. Anyway, I walked up to the car, looked at the driver and said ( not softly enough apparently) " Damn, this guys messed up big time" :oops:
  9. SSG G-man, I not trying to be a smart ass,, but can't you take medic training in the Armed forces? I think that would only improve your skills, as well as take you closer to the Paramedic level. Just food for thought. I really don't know, just wondering out loud. :wink:
  10. To quote the late Alfonso Bedoya, from the film Treasure of the Sierra Madre, " Badges? We ain't got no badges, We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges."
  11. John was kind enough to inform me of the time for this. 21:00 est.
  12. Kewl, a Porsche pegged out with flashing lights! It'll be just like the Autobahn! I guess we are lucky here in the fact that a Level 1 trauma center is the only game in town. There is always a surgeon here since it is a teaching hospital. Between flights and ground transport, there is unfortunately a steady flow into the ED.
  13. -5 for spelling stethoscope incorrectly. All you need now is a light bar, a star of life tattoo, some Oakley's and shave your head. Oops, wrong sex. Just a few stickers on your POV and you'll be good to go. BTW, welcome to EMT City!
  14. vs-eh, I didn't know what LEMON stood for as we haven't arrived at that part of our education yet. However, a little search with my best buddy Mr. Google came up with this, L- Look externally E- Evaluate 3-3-2 rule M - Mellampati score O - Obstruction N - Neck Mobility reference: http://www.templejc.edu/dept/ems/documents...%20part%202.ppt Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it. :thumbleft:
  15. :roll: I don't know where you are located, however I would hazard a guess that you maybe attend 2 at most situations a month where you have to do this. This is exactly the attitude we were talking about in the other thread about fire, where some other wanker wrote about this kind of hero syndrome. Get over yourself. In the mean time while you're waiting for the next towering inferno, polish that truck! It looks dirty. Oh, and btw, don't forget to show up at the next MVA, we need someone to direct traffic.
  16. Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. :roll: * seeks shelter from the proverbial verbal bombardment from T *
  17. LOL, be kind Anthony, a friend of mine designed the nose landing gear for the A380.8)
  18. Dsmitty, it's not that we don't appreciate the hose monkeys, it's just that we get feed up with this constant verbal diarrhea that keeps emulating from the fire guys. I mean, we know they think they're the cock of the walk, but I for one really wish they'd get over themselves.
  19. Have to agree with Dust here. I don't tell them anything. If they want the info, get a supeona. Otherwise I can't ( or won't ) tell them anything. Regardless of what the pt has done or not done for that matter, is not my concern. Besides, that's what HIPAA is all about, protecting the pt.
  20. Charlie Brown, still trying to muster up the nerve to talk to that little red-headed girl. :?
  21. That's what I was getting at Ace. If ALS was dispatched in the first place, the need for an expensive engine, complete with a crew would not be required.
  22. Rescue25, can you explain why a Fire engine, with as stated, an EMT Basic on board is responding to an ALS call?
  23. I'd hazard a guess it's all about the almighty dollar. If the Fire dept. takes over the EMS, then they have extra money for all the toys they want. You know, a new engine so they can take it out once a day and polish it. The Fire services have done such a good job influencing building codes and promoting fire prevention, that they almost have put themselves out of work. That is why we see Engine co.s arriving at EMS medical calls, it gives them something to do. Their idea is if they take over the EMS, then they can hire more ppl, or give their own ppl Paramedic training and have at it. The service here is cross trained. Every piece of fire apparatus has a least one medic on board. I have several friends on with GFR, from what they are telling me in the not to distant future, EMS and fire will be separate. That is good news IMHO, then they can focus on the EMS instead of having to train for both occupations. They are 2 separate and very different jobs and should be treated as such.
  24. Watered down Beer? surely you jest!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I may incriminate myself lol. Never been that helpful 2er, but I could honestly see it happening......................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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