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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. When I started clinicals for my Basic, I had never set foot in an Ambulance before. Been on my back a few times, but that's a different story. When I first arrived at the station, I asked my Preceptor to show me around the Ambulance. I wanted to know where everything was in case they needed it on a call. I was asked to take vital signs, assist with hanging IV.s, loading the stretcher etc. All and all, it is up to you as too you as to what your clinical experience is like. If you sound interested chances are your preceptors will let you do more things. When we had some down time, I asked them about how certain equipment worked. Take your text book with you, something to do on your down time. Enjoy your clinical time but remember, it is a learning environment. Take this opportunity to learn as much as you can.
  2. Here is the site for Ruralmetro. Some of the info you desire is there. http://www.ruralmetro.com/ http://www.fireacademy.org/jobs4.htm
  3. They must have got a fleet discount Wait, they're not wankermobiles, are they?
  4. If you contact you regional EMS training director, he/she should be able to point you in the right direction. Here is a link to the one for the Metro Atlanta area. bhgulley@gdph.state.ga.us Hope it helps.
  5. What are friends for anyway? Always willing to lend a helping hand. :wink: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=36...=genre%3Acomedy
  6. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cap lock!
  7. I tried to find some info on this in Google for you. Unfortunately, all I could find were studies saying what the temps should be and that currently EMS doesn't do a good job of maintain correct temps. No solutions to this problem however. Somehow that doesn't surprise me :roll: http://www.upstate.edu/publicaffairs/news.php?id=467.htm http://www.usp.org/USPNF/pf/2902/d01.html
  8. Some more little useless fun. BTW, I'm not cheap, just careful with my money. :shock: You are a Black Coffee At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it Your caffeine addiction level: high What Kind of Coffee Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofcoffeeareyouquiz/
  9. Very funny indeed! Broke up a rather other wise boring night, Thx. #11 and #28 I think I'll borrow. Can I use PCFNDS ( Prime candidate for natural de-selection, # 21 ) on my PCR?
  10. We have a select few frequent flyers that we deal with, that are most definitely double glovers. full BSI required :shock:. Along the lines of Anatomychick's theory of " don't even think of cutting my closes off", one of my medic instructors has a T-shirt that says " DO NOT TOUCH ME! ". Is he trying to tell us something?
  11. ROFLMAO! In the context used, I think we can allow it. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate. :wink:
  12. You're not to old I hope. I'm 45 and in the beginning of my medic program. Just remember, no one gets rich doing this. It has to be for the love of it.
  13. I remember vs-eh posted this video before. I showed it to my daughter and she even watched it. http://www.simpleplan.com/untitled/index.html
  14. I agree Dust, but don't you think propective EMT's should at least see the inside of an ambulance? :wink:
  15. I'm sure when you go to court the plantiff's lawyer will think it's ok too. :wink: Yes it takes a little time to apply the KED, but remember, the 1st rule in EMS is to protect yourself. That includes your hiney.
  16. This situation isn't extreme though. They just plain don't want to do it because they are too busy, or there are too many students. I can only imagine if it was a nursing program, would they have time? Would the docklings following the attending around have their time cut short? Of course not. Here again we see a shining example of EMS taking it in the rear.
  17. I'll see if I can get one tonight tinman. I have class and there are some poster kids for wankerism attending.
  18. I stand by my post. I do not have a lack of vision, you sir have your head in the clouds. If you want to pursue a doctorate by all means, go ahead. I do not however think you would find enough ppl to support such a thing. As evidence, as you stated, the lack of BSc programs currently available.
  19. While I respect your thirst for knowledge, a doctorate in EMS is somewhat of a reach. What we do in the field is not surgery. We stabilize the pt to the best of our ability and get them to the hospital asap. The AAS and BSc that are available currently would suffice IMHO.
  20. I'm sorry to see this happen to you. $94,000.00 is a handsome salary, considering the amount of time they have off. As for your comment why do the have it now? Because if the did it in the summer, who really give's a shit. Unfortunately, students being used as pawns has always been the case with OPSEU. I can only hope it is over quickly so you can continue your studies. Good luck eh.
  21. I have no idea about your local protocols, but here is a link to IL EMS. You might find your answer there. http://www.ilems.com/ search time .16 seconds
  22. Hmmm, I find it hard to beleive you don't have any clinical time. I'm not sure where you are, but without exposure to a ED or a Ambo, how are you to know how to apply what you've learned? Without real pt contact's you are being cheated. I beleive cities like NY and LA have clinical time, I'm sure your class deserves theirs as well. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'd demand clinical time if I was you, or else your just reading from a book.
  23. It sounds as if it went well Alco. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  24. I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there.
  25. Here's a link that might help you Cindy. At least get some contact information http://www.nyc.gov/html/fdny/html/communit...mployment.shtml Hope it helps, good luck!
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