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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. Here is one Bachelor's program I am aware of. Hope it helps. http://emc.wcu.edu/
  2. There is a course here that takes the steps one at a time. A student is required to pass levels EMT-B and I while progressing to the medic level. It is a 2 yr, 2 nights a week program, thus allowing a student to gain experience, while working towards the medic level. There is usually a age requirement of at least 21 for working on the ambo for insurance purposes. Some as high as 25 as our esteemed colleague mentioned. Personally, i don't see a problem with going from 0 to hero, as you SHOULD learn the BLS skills in your Paramedic program as all calls begin the same way, with ABC's and assessment. Just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
  3. I did a ride-along with a helo service here and the crew all wore helmets. Granted, I can see the need for that, but MVA's in ambo's are likely to be more frequent, yet we don't require them. The crew never seemed to be hindered in anyway by the helmet and the communication between pilot and crew was excellent. I for one would welcome the use of a helmet, regardless of how wankerish it looked.
  4. I sincerely hope that isn't the case. I would hope the town council would want to protect their taxpaying citizens. however, I have also been called the eternal optimist.
  5. Of course the don't pay Ruffems. They are card carrying members of " The good ol' boys club" On a serious note, How is it possible for any public service agency to stand idly by and watch, in this case, a fire and not do anything? Regardless if the person paid his dues or not, FF fight fires. I would have thought they would have jumped at the chance to use their skills. If anything, they could have used the practice since how many real fires do they get called for? I know nothing of this area and this dept. but I talk to some FF's who are in my class. They are of the opinion that fire fighting as a whole has almost " fire preventioned " itself out of work, with new building codes and extensive advertising campaigns. This was an excellent opportunity to use what they train for, or do they all go back to the station house in their wanker-mobiles, drink coffee and ask each other, " damn, that one done burned up good huh?"
  6. In my short career, this doesn't make sense to me. But I'm just guessing. I think he's full of it IMHO. I hope you started bi-lateral 14g on him 8! lmao :wink:
  7. I never thought I'd see the day! I hope the funds given to fire for EMS are more under this dept's control. But somehow that will be a bigger fight I think.
  8. Ditto to what tattoomama said. I'll try to remember those Shannon.
  9. If I wasn't so puter illiterate, I would have posted like you guys lol :dark1:
  10. You are a Dreaming Soul Your vivid emotions and immagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in you head most of the time you have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult You are charming,endearing, and people tend to love you forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose coloured glasses Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion you hide from others Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life. Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul and Traveler Soul
  11. You just might be the exception to the rule though Jenn! :wink:
  12. :shock: Hard to believe she would carry on like that. I suppose she thought it responsible to enter a burning, smoke filled house without SCBA. First thing taught in Basic class was to protect yourself. Yes, the outcome was great THIS time, but what about the next? I have to agree Asys, this particular person scares me.
  13. Your first statement is so ridiculous, it doesn't warrant a response. As for the second, If your referring to me as I expect you are, that is the way it's done here. Like it or not it's not my idea, that's what it is.
  14. I'm very happy to hear it all worked out for you two. Kudos on your determination and perseverance! Good luck with your tests and let us know when you pass. :wink:
  15. Like anything, you get what you pay for. I personally like and wear the Hermans. The tread is a little aggressive and no, they don't have the zippers but do have speed laces. They are a 6" boot, which is all I require as we don't get very much if any snow here. The aggressive tread is helpful to me as I work nights exclusively and with all the MVA's we encounter, there good for walking through ditches. Just my opinion and good luck in you search.
  16. Gotcha csr, Different parts of the country. We do what we can with what we got.
  17. :shock:
  18. No dreaming here Buddha. All the City of Greenville ambo's are staffed with two medics and a Basic. As well, all the fire apparatus hav at least one Medic on board.
  19. First responders do not belong on an Ambulance. Regardless if it is BLS or ALS the crew should include 1 Paramedic minimum. In a utopian world, crews would be medic/medic and a EMT. If it is a 2 person crew, than we can always get a FF to drive, they like the L & S.
  20. You caught it! I did that on purpose. You win Mike! lol
  21. LMAO! Yeah, Jenna is somewhat talented. 8)
  22. JakeEMTP

    Lift Test

    WTF? Having to lift 180 lbs over ones head isn't smart at all. EMS isn't a Olympic sport. We shouldn't have to prove how strong we are in that fashion. Lifting smart is a better way to check. I would think if you can get it chest high, that should be sufficient. Besides, if I have to lift something that high, I'll get a hose jockey to do it, they're standing around doing nothing any way :wink: SPELL CHECKED, no errors reported 8)
  23. What a mess! Those medics would have been better off staying home. Poor guys try to help and wind up getting the shaft! I agree Rid, a investigation and possible criminal charges are definitely warranted! :x SPELL CHECKED, no errors rported 8)
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