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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. Sorry, I should have used the " tongue firmly planted in cheek " disclaimer. Look, I would hope the instructor would be professional enough to realize the said student isn't cut out for this work. Just because he/she is getting a little, doesn't mean they're going to pass the student based on sexual prowess. After all, it may be a relative of theirs that require medical attention from the student in question. Give your fellow man/woman a little credit. Spell checked, no corrections required 8)
  2. Paid? You can get paid to do this? I thought we were supposed to give our education away!
  3. Excellent point UMSTUDENT! :thumbleft:
  4. meh, If they pass and can't do the job, they will be weeded out naturally. Everybody is so hung up on the fact a man and woman are having a relationship. Yet, no one has said anything about a instructors offspring taking the medic class they are teaching. Chances are, they're going to pass to. :wink: Spell Checked, no errors to report. 8)
  5. I can understand your position AnatomyChick, but how can you forbid Human nature? If 2 consenting adults wish to have a relationship, then so be it. I have never been in the situation discussed, but I can assure you if I was attracted to a instructor/student, I'd have to go with the flow. Outside of the classroom is really not your domain. If the are inappropriate in class, I can understand. However, if they're not, if the act professional in the classroom enviroment, more power to them. On a side note, one of my fellow students Mother is an instructor in our class. Is that going to help him? sure it is. Do I have a problem with it? No, I have faith in my ablities,
  6. I must be cerifiable to start this LMAO, but I am a Basic going to Medic school currently.
  7. Interesting you should say that Dust. We had this conversation in class last night. I took up your position, with the backing of a few fellow students. The rest of the class was of the belief that they are only in it to help their community. I can respect that in the most rural of areas perhaps, but not here. I said that the only reason we have so many volly services is because we allow it to be that way. If everyone would say " No, were not going to do it for free anymore" than they would find the money. I mean, am I expected to devote 2 years and a small fortune to becoming a medic, only to give my services and education away? I think not. Not to mention the amount of Liability and the amount of responsibility I'm supposed to take on. Meh, show me the money! spell checked, 2 errors corrected :x
  8. LMAO 8! Glad to see your exercising! Like a flower? I'm intrigued! lol
  9. Just need some disco music now MedicNorth, than we could just do " The Bump "
  10. Excellent point Nate. Where I am is by no means Houston, but we still have the GF & R vs Private here. Most ALS outside of Greenville are volly, but there is still the " we're better than you " BS. It is high time this mentally was put to bed and pt care became paramount. In class, the instructor won't let the fire guys wear their uniforms. We are all equal and there to learn the same curriculum. When we complete the class, we will all be Paramedics, regardless of what colour our shirt is.
  11. I understood the first part 8! I've had about that many brown pops, so I guess I should understand it!!!! LMFAO
  12. But that is exactly the point! There are other threads on " Lousy pay for EMS " etc., so I won't get into that. But I feel the general consensus is that if we as an industry, raised the minimum education requirements THEN we would start getting the pay and respect we as an industry so richly deserve. Spell checked, no corrections required 8)
  13. Although I have been in EMS for a short time, I have witnessed this fairly often. The Medic administers the amount of morphine aloud by our protocols, and when asking the pt if they feel better, most of the time they report marginally. I understand the addiction to morphine, I had knee surgery before there was arthroscopic, and believe me, it is a powerful drug. Every 4 hours I was on that buzzer, reminding them it was time for my shot. According to the research done in this study we are not providing pt's with enough relief, which is why we were there in the first place, as Dr. Bledsoe stated. Obviously, the amount of morphine we give is not enough, but hey, that's all we're allowed to give. :wink: Spell checked for your convenience
  14. Can you say NIMS?
  15. Nope, 110/yr. But remember, I'm still a Paramedic student.
  16. I need to move to GA. I had to get 6 million liability, just for medic school. ( maybe that's why lol )
  17. LMAO! I think you did the right thing. O2 can never really harm the pt. Since their pulse ox was going up, then it helped. You did what you thought was best for your pt. Since the ALS crew left him on O2 with the nasal cannula, it must have been correct. Your Basic partners need to review. If the pt cannot tolerate a mask, nasal cannula is better than nothing.
  18. I can only wish! TPBM has a crush on Big Mama. ( Big Mama's house movie )
  19. That's my dream too Nate!!!!! :twisted:
  20. I have to ask, If your going for your Intermediate, why not take the Paramedic program instead?
  21. I was glad to see the MD bale before the medic though. :wink: I agree it was somewhat bizarre for the MD to have to tell the Medic how to bag the pt, but what the hell, bad TV will always be just that, bad TV. Squad 51 where are you? lol
  22. SSG G-man, don't get your knickers in a knot. The whole point of a forum is for ppl to express their opinions. you do not have to agree with them as you have chosen not to do. I have read and re-read this thread to see what bothered you so much and can't seem to find it ( maybe it's me ). I have yet to see were anyone said FR's are CRAAAPPPP! FR's have there place, just not on a ambulance. LEO's, FF's etc are excellent examples of FR's. But are they trained and educated enough to ride on the ambulance? I for one think not.
  23. Kewl pic canadianmedic!!!!!!!! I really like the night shot :thumbleft:
  24. ](*,) :shock:
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