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Everything posted by JakeEMTP

  1. Damn! If I use my given name, I'm Double Fisted!
  2. I have to agree with Rid ( again lol ). there is already a driver on the unit, we don't need another one. Wait, maybe they could read the map. Before everyone get's excited, I am a Basic, so forget that. There should be 2 crew members ( preferably 3 ) on a ambo, 1 medic, 1 basic, in an ideal world 2 medics and a basic. 1st responders have their place, it's just not on the back of an ambulance. :wink:
  3. They are in our skills to AK, don't know how to do it yet, but it's in the curriculum.
  4. Not quite yet, but close. Along the same lines, I will never, ever forget the first time we responded to a call for a GI bleed! :mrgreen:
  5. LOL, I'll try, You might be a wanker if, You have a GALLS catalog at home You have a stethoscope hanging from your rear view mirror you have more stickers on your car than NASCAR You have more lights on your POV, than on your Ambulance You have your pager on, even if your not working You stop at every MVA and ask " need any help? "
  6. No problem Dust. :wink: After I posted that, I thought perhaps I didn't word it correctly. Since the majority of the students work full time, it is hard to go to school full time as well. By allowing us to work in EMS whilst attending school concurrently, we are gaining the experience hopefully that will prepare us for when we finish and enter the field of Paramedicine. I will keep you posted as to how it's going. Back to the books. lol :coffee2: :homework: :read2:
  7. I thought that's what I said, hence the 2 nights a week while working EMS the other times. Therfore by the time we are finished, we will have almost 2 yrs experience in EMS not counting what we have already, 300 hrs in clinicals in the 911 system, plus 200 in hospital rotations. Not to shabby IMHO. :wink:
  8. Good idea Doc. The medic program I am currently enrolled in is a 20 mth, 2 night a week pt time course. It is still 1196 hrs, just p/t thus allowing my classmates and myself to acquire the amount of time you are suggesting, while keeping up with our BLS skills ie: assessment, baseline vitals etc. So far so good, It is a new concept for this area and hopefully it will work out. I think the premise is to graduate new medics with some experience in EMS when all is said and done. All for now, I need to study! :study: :coffee:
  9. Welcome skinut! I think if you did a google search ( you can do it from here ) on EMS providers NJ, you could find them in your area. Then contact them to see if they do ride alongs. I'm sure they would be happy to have you. Not trying to be a smart ass, just this my help you in your search.
  10. I glad ppl think OLDER ppl that are getting into the field is a good idea. I myself am new to EMS as some off you know. this is my second ( no wait, third ) career. I have been an EMT for 6 mths and am now in Medic school. I was pleasantly surprised when I went to the first class and saw quite a few 30 somethings in the class. I'm still older than them, but compared to the Basic class it is refreshing to see older ppl wanting to join or further their EMS education. I can only speak for myself, but I am capable of the lifting and late hours required. I'm nocturnal by nature, I very much prefer the night shift. Going to the gym 3 times a week and playing golf twice a week ( yes, I walk ) help keep me in decent shape. Don't worry about this old guy, I wont' let you down!
  11. JakeEMTP

    Lift Test

    My partner is like that albeit she is vertically challenged and it's not for lack of effort! I don't mind, she is an excellent Medic and usually takes the head. Good place for her to be IMHO. Remember, the size of your pt is directly disproportionate to the size of you partner :wink:
  12. 8, I wouldn't expect anything less from you!
  13. I also left a comfortable living to start a second career in EMS. Albeit, my circumstances where a little different. My wife and I moved to the US when she took a position as an OR nurse at the Trauma centre here. I couldn't work initially, ( immigration issues ) so I was looking for something to do. I signed up for classes as an EMT-B and have enjoyed most of my short time in it. So much so, that I now am enrolled at the CC in the Paramedic program. Our first class was last night and it sounds like it will be a tough road but rewarding in the end. Going back to school is a bit overwhelming, but I well persevere! LMAO I'll keep you posted as classes progress.
  14. Me too! Maybe I need to change my online name to " Highlander " 8)
  15. Nope, I think I am PRPG, Famous Anus :oops:
  16. Polar Bear swim? serious shrinkage! :oops: The person below me has done the Polar Bear swim........
  17. Just to add something to this, when I was in Basic class, our instructor made it perfectly clear in the very first class, that if he heard a cell phone ring during HIS class, that person would be removed from that particular session. 8)
  18. Not that there's anything wrong with that! As " MEAT" in Bull Durham says " this garter feels kinda sexy" LOL The person below me secretly wants to be President.
  19. JakeEMTP


    As a basic we were taught in class that we're not really aloud to declare anyone DOA. However, the instructor mentioned the fact that if we need to take more than 2 steps between compressions and breaths, they are probably dead. In all seriousness, as Ridryder mentioned check your local protocols for declaring a person dead.
  20. Thanks for the update Ace. Again, well done :occasion5:
  21. Good Job Ace! As I am starting medic school in January, I find this most informative and a great read. Keep up the good work, I will need all the help I can get!
  22. got my piggy bank working on it! lol :thumbright:
  23. Hi! I'm new to EMTCity. I have been looking over the site and it is interesting.
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