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  • Location
    Columbia, MD
  • Interests
    wines, travel

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  1. It sounds like you are loving life in the ED! You are a real team player & since I've been working in the ED going on 5 yrs now, those who jump in & help are those who receive the most back. There are no prima donnas in my ED, unlike some of the floor nurses I have worked with in the past. We are all there to care for patients, no matter what they are there for & how they present, dirty, obnoxious, drunk, dead, stable, etc. Glad to hear that you're learning a lot. I'd work with you anytime. :P/
  2. As an ED RN, I like all the RN's I have worked with over the years, feel like we learn something new everyday & that's the way we like it. Keep on open mind & you won't believe what will fly into it. No one knows everything & everyone has their strengths & weaknesses & working in this business is NOT the place to know it all or pretend to. People lives depend on you & if you don't know, ask! Someone will always help you. :3some:
  3. Well said! Why make things worse by trying to do something that's not within your scope of practice and skill set. Still, it's a hard call to make!
  4. Are either your father or grandfather a British citizen? If so, you may be able to claim UK citizenship through them.
  5. Where I work, there a few EMT's who work either as Techs or nurses & it's always good to see the other side of care, on both sides. And the more you know the better you understand each other's point of view.
  6. Yes, I can relate :twisted:
  7. IreneRN_ED

    3 Word Story

    to be consumed
  8. dart
  9. Pour Some Sugar on Me! Who would have thunk it?!
  10. With a BSN, you can teach at a college level some courses, go into management, things like that, but most hospitals & other health facilities pay all their nurses at the same scale, except LPN's. Many RN I work with have higher level degrees in other fields, like Social work, Art History, myself included & went into nursing as a fullfilling way to do some good. And it's ALWAYS fun in the ED. :wink:
  11. the diffence between Balls & Guts: Guts: A man is out late with his pals, is assaulted by his wife with a broom & asks her if she's still cleaning or is she flying off somewhere. Balls: A man comes home late, reeking of beer & perfume, with lipstick on his collar, and slaps his wife on the a** & says, "You're next!"
  12. B.F. Goodlick :oops:
  13. Good luck to you but I have to agree that you will be a gofer, likely as not. Just remember to assist those with the licenses, like Docs & Nurses, RT's & Anesthesia who have the training for code situations. Techs in the ED need to remember to assist the other stable patients up to the bathroom, out in a wheelchair when dispo'd, & other so called mundane things. As an ED RN, sometimes I find that the techs want to do other things they feel are more important. All aspects of patient care are important, even if it's just bringing someone a warm blanket. You will learn a lot & maybe even enjoy yourself.
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