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Everything posted by medik8

  1. Wow...you guys are tough...but I luvs you anyway....now...go ahead...call me a post whore for posting something completely meaningless...er...uh...wait...it's not meaningless cuz I said I love you..... :love7: 8
  2. Ahhh...so true. I passed my test the first time...I also passed class at the top with a 98% overall....BUT...that means nothing. The person to graduate first in their class from medical school is called "doctor". The person to graduate last in their class from medical school is called......."Doctor". hmmmm.... It's a test. It's meant to do just that...test... It's a bare minimum requirement to get your license. That's why I preach over and over and over....DON'T STOP LEARNING! (sorry..don't mean to shout)... Read your book re-read your book, continue learning by reading more books, taking classes, ask questions, be inquisitive, learn from your partners and peers, learn from this board....learn, learn, learn.... Get subscriptions to JEMS and EMS...read the articles...read medical journals. Learn how things work and WHY... Just passing a test is not enough....for anyone... You may make it in the field, but definitely not as one of the best. There is no substitute for knowledge. Lots of people get by with common sense smarts. Increase your knowledge. That is what makes you good at what you do. (and it DOES help to have a decent school.....) xoxoxoxo :wink: 8
  3. OMG!!! :shock: LMFAO!!!! That is hilarious! Kinda reminds me of my ER days...when we played football in the hallways in the middle of the night...on a slow night, of course. Good times!!! xoxoxo :wink: Luv, 8
  4. medik8

    New Rules

    I'm in.....let's get HAMMERED!!!! :headbang: (besides...even if I didn't agree with everything...she's one of the few females in the world that I can tolerate...LMAO...so...she gets my vote!) whoo hoooooo!! xoxoxoxo Luv, 8
  5. I like.....VERY MUCH.... =D> Very creative...very clever. Nice JOB! Please share more with us!!! xoxo Luv, 8
  6. Making comments about you helping someone put their truck back together is juvenile. If someone looks as if their hands are full...or they are busy...and I'm not busy at the moment...I help. It builds camaraderie...friendships...you get to meet people from other services that you may not know... Besides, it's just friendly. Not to mention, sometimes needed. I walked over just the other day to a truck and helped a female EMT who was pregnant, and cleaning up the back of her truck. Her stretcher was sitting outside the truck, (obviously she was directed not to lift...which makes sense). She was waiting for her partner. I walked over and offered to put it in the truck for her. She smiled and said thank you...it took me all of 1 minute... Now, I use my brain...I don't go messing with their drug box or anything like that, and I don't literally get IN their truck...but as far as the example I mentioned above...or something simple like that...what's the big deal? I think it more stems from the fact that you are helping your BOYFRIEND...not a fellow EMS worker. Some things you have to ignore. As long as you are not shirking YOUR duties to help him...then I don't see a problem with that. xoxo :wink: 8
  7. WHOOOO HOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo Katiebug!!!!! =D> As we've all said a million times...you're not gonna get rich....but what defines rich? I'll take the moments over money any day. I'll take that look of ease that I put on my patient's face when I was able to help their pain with medication. I'll take the little boy who dries his tears as he realizes that that IV wasn't so bad and now we're playing with elmo and talking power rangers....I'll take with me and hold dear to my heart those moments of honor when I was the last one to hold your mother's hand...and yes...she did die peacefully..... I'll take the meek smile and quiet tears and hugs from the wife who I was able to tell that yes....we were able to get a pulse back...but we need to get him to the hospital...so we can try to get him home to you....the mother who has to be cut out of her vehicle, and is trapped...bleeding and feeling helpless...but asking if her children are ok...and as I hold her hand and talk to her in the twisted mangled car...I'm able to calm her down and assure her that her children are fine and that we need to focus on her injuries...intimately learning things about her that she thought she'd never tell a stranger...talking her through everything until I can put her in my truck and take care of her... Define rich..... My back hurts every day...and somedays are wearier than others, but I have a home, food to eat, a family, friends, I love my job and I'm happy. I'm very, very rich...... xoxoxo :wink: 8
  8. :)/ Wow Race....I'm very proud of you....that was VERY well said...and very sincere. I think this reflects the opinions of most of us here... We're not here to fight. Look...everyone is going to disagree at times...but as we have all said before...EMS is a brutal field. We maim, torture and devour our own. Goodness people....let's just get along and stop bashing the hell out of each other. Expressing opinions are fine...debating is good for the soul...cleansing...enlightening...and contributory to learning. Name calling and insults are only part of our spiral downward...I don't know about all of you...but I'm not willing to go there, and most definitely not without a hell of a fight. I love my job. I love my career...and I am much a very compassionate people person. It's so disheartening to see everyone fighting all the time. It accomplishes nothing. If we can't support and learn from each other...then we have nothing, and we certainly are not going to ever be viewed as professionals. Again..Race...I think you are right on the money.... :wink: xoxoxo 8
  9. UGH...me either. A DNR on a Baby? :shock: Those two things shouldn't even have to go together...but obviously....they do sometimes.. How sad.... Good luck with school.... 8
  10. Holy CRAP! Seee.....that is my worst fear...right there....that I will have to call *gasp*...PARAMEDICS!.... LMFAO! I am SO accident prone too...so...it's only a matter of time. We are such the worst patients...I think I'd have to be on my death bed. I DO recall an incident where I was very very sick about 2 years ago. Worst sickness I've ever had....threw up for 46 hours...and I'm NOT joking....I have no idea where it was even coming from....just ice chips, sips, the rest were just dry...well...I can remember going to the BR to throw up again....and I woke up about, what I can best figure, was about a few hours later....passed out cold... Should have called the medics right then and there...I was severely dehydrated, and had lost consciousness...but did I....no freakin way. Dumb...I know....really dumb... :roll: What can I say? 8
  11. Thanks Dwayne and N.S. ACP....luv u guys... :love7: xoxo 8
  12. So FREAKIN' cute....I miss the Wa Wa trips.... :wink: 8
  13. Point well taken, Rid... Unfortunately, you speak the truth, wise one. LMAO! :roll: xoxo :wink: Luv, 8
  14. LMFAO!!! =D> Definitely when you hear the beat...oh...and BTW new guys...if you DON'T hear a beat, and due to road noise, equipment, pt. condition, etc...it IS possible not to hear one or for it to be so faint that you don't hear it...try a re-take or let your medic listen. Even if you have to admit that you can't hear it or that you can't get a pressure...please don't make up a number....not good. Not good at all. :shock: xoxo 8
  15. OK...something that annoys the shit out of me.... People always tell you a funny story and then say..."It was hysterical." No...the word you need to use is not "hysterical". The only things that are hysterical are out of control females and psych patients. Hysterical means: (and I quote from Webster's finest) 1. a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor and visceral functions. 2. unmanageable fear or emotional excess. Hysterical is more of a condition....not an adjective. The word you NEED is hilarious which means.... cheerful; marked by or affording hilarity. Exhiliration of spirits that may be carried to the point of boisterous convivality or merriment. SO...Please do not say....so and so did blah blah blah...and it was hysterical... Say....so and so did blah blah and it was hilarious.... Trust me...you will look a whole lot less stupid. Think about this one...and you will be like....Oh YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH.... LMFAO... Thank you...off my soapbox..... xoxoxo Luv, 8
  16. huh?????..what tha.......hmmmmm..... :roll: 8
  17. Nice link Rid.... As always, thanks for your helpful, excellent information...whether for refresh or newbies. Much appreciated... 8
  18. Only to the guy in your life....LMFAO!! :wink: 8
  19. Hmmm....I've never been guilty of a single one of those....EVER..... :roll: LMAO P.S....I love #10 under "The Things Only Women Understand". That is SO friggin hilarious!!! xoxoxo 8
  20. You are the joke...you know nothing about me. So don't even try... I've been a member here far longer than you. Take a poll....Mr. March 20. Your posts from day one have been about nothing but crappy outlooks on life and your profession because you are bitter. I'm sorry...but not my problem. You are very welcome here...but don't even try to pull that crap with me. Done...end of discussion....your juvenile comments don't upset me. I'm far beyond that. As far as a blog....Einstein...they are made to express your personal feelings...whether they make sense to you or not...as I said before... you don't know me. Serious discussions and professional conversations are for forums. If you don't like my personal and private thoughts...don't read them in my blog... As for your post...maybe so many people wouldn't be getting upset if you hadn't made such an idiotic statement...deal with it. ps...I'd rather you just never talk to me anymore. Your mindless crap and personal insults are not my style...I have no desire to carry on further with you. Have a nice life... And btw...there's NO ONE on this board that I don't get along with or that thinks I'm mean or difficult in the slightest....just you....therefore...refer back to my first sentence. :roll: Adios Mr. Difficult person...no time for you :cya:
  21. That...right there...is FUNNY....I don't care what anyone says... :wink: 8
  22. As a matter of fact....I think I DO... :shock: LMAO
  23. :oops: Awwww Crap....You can't say that here, can you? :shock: LMAO! Long and hard.....hard and long.... :roll:
  24. You did absolutely nothing for me. And you damn sure as hell didn't pave my road.....LMFAO... I've been in this business a long time too, and am not one of the "peeps" you speak of. I am simply defending them regarding what I still believe was an insensitive statement that was really unnecessary. There is no other way to read your post. You even reiterated it above. I realize a lot of people are in this for the wrong reasons. You're preaching to the choir. However, just because a few people "found" EMS later in life...doesn't mean they aren't serious, dedicated, and committed. I do honor you for your many years of service and will give credit where credit is due, but, that's all the more reason you shouldn't down any of the others that follow what you have already done. And as far as respect...I show you no more than you have shown me or anyone else by that comment. As far as your lack of apology...I'm not surprised. I've said my piece... Back to work..... :wink: 8
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