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Everything posted by medik8
OMG!!!! :shock: LMFAO!!!! I read you loud and clear......WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo 8
This just happened to me again a couple weeks ago....mva...appeared to be a partier....turned out to be low blood sugar. Very low... If it hadn't been checked he probably would have gone to jail...and then never saw the light of the next morning. It only takes a few seconds to check. I see everyone's point...but temps and d-sticks, I think, are sometimes basic tools that we all tend to overlook. No...don't do it "just 'cause you can", but let's also not be complacent and fail to use them them to reinforce our thinking, or as a means to rule something out. The results can, obviously, be deadly... xoxoxo 8
Now Dust...I DO agree with you that a cop does not necessarily make your scene safe. You are right....things can and do happen to them too. We have to take responsibility for ourselves....however, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think possibly that we were all under the same impression and misunderstood possibly what you meant. I think that I, Nate and PRPG thought that you were trying to say that you should not wait for a police officer and basically just forget about it...bust on in and do your job. In essence, what I get from your post now is that you are just wanting to establish that the mentality of believing you are safe just because someone is there with a gun, is untrue. And I agree.... What we were trying to convey is that ....well...certainly you still have to be careful, but police presence with guns is a necessity. It's not a guarantee...but you sure do have a better chance of protection if SOMEONE is able to at least TRY to protect you. Thus...our questioning your reply to Nate. Does all of that make sense? Whew....probably not the best worded post I have posted...LMAO...but I think I got my point across... In summary....Don't rely on ANYONE to cover your ass. Do it yourself. Be careful out there. At least make sure you have police presence on a scene and it is secure as it can be. This doesn't prevent us from being hurt or killed...but at least it's something. No scene is ever fully secure, I believe. Things can fall...there can always be another shooter...hell, your patient can go postal on you! I have had more dangerous patients than bystanders or others. Just BE CAREFUL.... Don't be naive enough to believe that you are ever out of harm's way. All we can do is our best. Stay awake, alert...and use common sense and THEN some.... xoxoxoxo :wink: Luv, 8
Detroit Screws Up Again, Kills Another Person
medik8 replied to Dustdevil's topic in General EMS Discussion
Squint.... As you and I have already discussed this privately.....you know where I stand.... :wink: 8 -
Ditto.... :shock: Are we right? huh? Huh?.....huh?
BandAid...I'm very sorry for your losses. I'm sure this discussion is not a happy one for you. Please accept our apologies if we have said anything to hurt or offend you in any way. xoxoxoxo 8
I am ordering one as well....can't wait until it gets here! WHOO HOOOO!!! 8) xoxoxo 8
Prissy....I like that song too! Kountess....Yes...you are like that...you freak. LMAO. :shock: Aussiephil....maybe Hammer and I could arrange something...... :roll: xoxoxo 8
AND...she's smart! :study: HOT...AND smart................LMFAO... xoxoxo 8
=D> As incredibly sad as this is.....I have to agree with you, VS... Great job of pointing out just how much false hope can and will be given by trying to "do a good thing". We are so much better off just helping with that grieving period. It's hard enough to try to work on a baby that is going down the tubes. I have no desire to put a baby that is already deceased through everything that we do...just for a show. It's wrong. The acceptance of death is going to be difficult no matter when it starts...now or later. It's not going to make it any better because we prolonged it and gave false hope. I do not mean any disrespect toward anyone here that has a different opinion or who has lost a child. I am very sorry for any pain that this may bring someone in that position... However, it's just the right thing to do. Excellent post, VS.....you did a great job of explaining this... xoxo 8
:shock: I think it might be a good thing, Hammer....as in...whoa....like...OMG...or...That girl is SO hotttt! This is so freakin' hilarious!!! LMFAO!!!!! :wink: 8
Your Stripper Song Is "I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation" You're hilarious and cute - yet you still pull off sexy! What Song Should You Strip To? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsongshouldyoustriptoquiz/ :shock: Wow.......Just a little Tuesday fun.... xoxo Luv, 8
:roll: I remember working a car accident at my old service ...pt. was being extricated....I had every device known to man, it seemed, clipped on my belt...was holding equipment...etc... Somehow, the motion of my arm as we were extricating her onto the backboard, popped my pager loose from my belt and it flew, skidding across the asphalt, and went under the wrecked, mangled car just far enough that it could not be reached. I remember looking at my patient....and then looking at the car..wanting SO desperately to lay on my stomach and get that damn pager. (obviously not the smart thing to do for several obvious reasons...) I could have cared less about the damn pager. It was just one of those instances where you want what you know you can't get. It would have only taken a second...if I could just have gotten my hands on it.. LMFAO I had no choice but to leave it there, and to just listen to my radio the rest of the day. I told the FD to try to get my pager for me. Never did find it. :sign5: 8
Detroit Screws Up Again, Kills Another Person
medik8 replied to Dustdevil's topic in General EMS Discussion
Wow.....that makes me sick. :pukeleft: I know mistakes happen...but this is not a mistake. It's stupidity. She should be fired. I don't care how long she's been a dispatcher. She broke the biggest rule of all and that's to assume that there is no emergency. How could anyone be so stupid. There is no way to ever make this up to that child. Can you imagine the frustration? Geez...where is the little angel?...I'll take him.... How very sad... xoxoxo 8 -
Dust...sweetheart.... :love7: ....I, too, need an explanation to this one. You know I love you millions...but there were many situations in my career that if I had gone hoofing it into a house, apt. bldg, condo, high rise, alley, abandoned building...etc...I would have been killed. If I have something to learn from this...I'm all ears. But, ...yikes.... :shock: there are just some places in my neck of the woods that you don't go without the po po....that's all there is to it. Be nice now...I'm just curious.... :wink: xoxoxoxo Luv, 8
Wow....AJ....you need to get a grip girl....I'm sorry...but you don't get on here asking for advice and then get all pissed off because it's not what you want to hear and throw it in everyone's face. You have to calm down and remember...there are a lot of different types of people on this board. Some are soft, some are hard...some are old, some are young...Some are educators, some are students...We are all individuals with different points of view. Read the posts...take what you want from them and leave the rest. Even if the comments seem rude...everyone is just trying to help. After all...isn't that what you asked for in the first place?.....our opinions and our help???.....Hmmmmm..... :roll: P.S... I have had a couple failed relationships....I'm sorry but the odds are NOT in your favor. I hope you prove us wrong...it's possible....I suppose.... 8
WORD.....! Can you say....BIMMMMMM...BOOOOOOOOO!!! sorry...not my type... xoxoxo 8
Hmmm...I'm sorry to sound mean...but Rid and Dust are right on the money. This is obviously a maturity issue. We are not hard to approach at all. In fact, we are ready, willing and able to help you learn, and succeed. However, those of you who don't want to hear the truth...and sometimes the truth hurts... don't ask. Most of the reason we have some of the attitudes we do are because of attitudes like yours. True...life is short...but all the more reason to make it count. Stop shortchanging your career and yourself, by blowing things off. Make the most of your profession. And...for the record...I have used my phone at work...but I do it with discretion. It's NOT professional...and it's rare that I do it. You can ask anyone who knows me and who I talk to regularly. They will tell you I RARELY talk to them when I'm at work. In addition...I've earned the right to use my phone at times. I know the protocols, the staff/co-workers, the truck, the jump bags, I study and continue learning constantly, I clean, I cook, I organize, I teach, I communicate....oh...and I'm in charge most of the time. Just a word to the wise, and you aren't going to like it, because you haven't developed the proper maturity to appreciate a tip, as of this writing...however, someday hopefully you will....at any rate....I would watch how much of this attitude you take into this profession. It's a big profession, but, ultimately a small EMS world. Names and reputations DO travel...and fast. If you don't want to be black-balled....I'd say it's probably time for a 'tude adjustment. You can bash me for saying this...but the fact is...I'm actually doing you a friendly favor..... P.S.....Respect is not a bad thing to learn either...especially to those that have walked many miles in this profession. Instead of talking down to us and bashing what we say...how bout learning from us. We've been there and already made all the stupid mistakes you are about to make. Just a suggestion...take it or leave it... :wink: 8
All RIGHT!!!!! 8) I KNEW there was a benefit to us not working together...now I finally know why.. :nike: ..LMAO... I get to use my pink scissors too...I LOVE cutting stuff with my pink scissors... Luv ya! 8
Just doin' an assessment on the back of my eyelids...making sure there are no cracks or anything like that to worry about...you know Chief...I just wanna be 100% for ya.... :wink: He just laughs at me..... I've ALMOST got him wrapped around the pinkie.... :roll: LMFAO 8
Yeah dammit....I hate those.....allergic to Benadryl...Decadron.....I wanna say.....DO WE HAVE TO BE SO DIFFICULT?! LMFAO!!! :roll: xoxo :wink: 8
LMFAO....clever dust....I like it.... :wink: 8
Jake....you promised I could cut your clothes off......... :roll: WTF...??? Has this changed???? LMAO! xoxoxo 8
Years ago...I reacted the same way.........You'll be fine.... Dust's suggestion was a good one. It's just a little "stage fright"....As long as you know your stuff...you'll come out ok. :wink: 8