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  1. Calgary does take on EMT'S rarely but they do. We do have EMT's. To become a paramedic you have to be a EMT first. acp Every province has there own testing,regulations,just like every state has that. Some things are similiar some are not. research wont kill you Check out the links.
  2. I'm really suprised the pedestrian lived from what the article said considering that is a pretty big MOI.....
  3. I would run the code. my 2 cents.
  4. I enjoyed your article. Very informative. Thanks
  5. what is your job description enlighten me. Ive heard a bit about it but I want to know more.
  6. alberta myself.
  7. events leading to this???? stung by a bee? ingested a certain food?
  8. this niggas goin as a nurse,not calvary or infantry lol. but anyways i wish you the best, come home to canada in one piece you fag. keep in touch xo mike g bitch
  9. so i know someone who works as an emt on a oil patch here and he posted this sign and i just about died laughing at it haha,
  10. I agree with ya brotha. :wink:
  11. call for backup. pt#1 rapid extrication, pt has possible shock? lots of trauma?? air lift pt#2 rapid extrication. pt has severe trauma. by the sounds of it, there is severe neuro trauma. i would request air lift as well as pt 3 go along. pt#3 has minor damages out of other pts in the vehicle. child is screaming because they are scared. calm pt as much as possible. pt#4 air lift. no questions pt#5 ground transp pt#6 ground transp I don't know any other information. Sounds like a bunch of drunk old men gone fishing and drinking ended the night short. Little to say, looks like they tore apart a family.
  12. maybe this will stir some discussion up. probably.
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