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  1. I mean what topics should I cover to get a better understanding? WHat I have gathered from others so far is what is it, what causes it, effects on the body, signs and symptoms, lasting effects and treatment
  2. Hello all, Fresh paramedic...green as can be with three months as a paramedic. Work 911 and have been there over a year and a half. Had a question: I want to do an essay on different diseases and such (ex. COPD, Asthma, etc.) Just wanted to broaden my knowledge and wanted to do an essay every 1-2 weeks on something new. Just curious what a good format for an essay is. Using Asthma as an example: Describe what asthma is Define different treatments. Signs and syptoms. Really wanna add some CPAP stuff on it cause I am really curious about that treatment as we dont do it where I am but am currently working on gettting it into our protocols. Can any of yall give me a good outline to follow to learn more about differnt illnesses and things? I very much appreciate it. Thanks
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