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owley medic

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  1. on my dads computer, I guess or maybe I am using a dif login?

  2. on my dads computer, I guess or maybe I am using a dif login?

  3. on my dads computer, I guess or maybe I am using a dif login?

  4. Do not let this sound like I support the BC Gov, but with H1N1 and the Olympics coming it was bound to happen. I think that it was the governments plan in any case.
  5. CANADA NEWS ** A Maniwaki, Quebec paramedic has been killed in a crash with a stolen vehicle near Bouchette. Le Journal de Montreal (August 3) said the accident, which occurred early yesterday morning, was a head-on collision. The EMS worker has been identified as Marilou Dubois. Extrication crews took one hour to remove Dubois from the wreckage;she died a short time later at Maniwaki Hospital. Responding crews, who knew Dubois, are receiving counselling support. PNN will keep you posted as more information becomes available.
  6. Hi Gang; I thought this would be the best place for this discussion. I am an EMS Instructor and we are reviewing the various EMS Texts out there. I am interested in what present and past EMS students thing of the texts they are using or have used in the past. I am mainly interested in the main texts, but if you wish to give comments on other books, A&P, Medical Terminology, that you have used during your EMS education please feel free to do so. If you are going to comment on a particular book please give pros, cons and the name and publisher of the text in question. I look forward to the comments. Owley Ian
  7. ER Nurse's
  8. This is not a joke but all you can do is laugh at it. I am sure many of you have experienced situations that make you shake your head in disbelief. I am refering to the times when someone (Usuallu anorther health care provider) states things like "The Ambulance Drivers Are Here !!!" or Asks " Do You Have Oxygen On The Ambulance? " But today I was asked a question by a, I assume educated, Recovery Room RN, "Do you take Vital Signs?” This is realy not a joke,but it is so rediculious you have to laugh. I am sure the look on my face expressed my absolute "disgust" at the RN's ignorance about what we do. In my 20 +++ years of working in EMS I have never heard of such a ridiculous question. It would be just as ridiculous for me to ask this RN "Are you allowed to empty that catheter bag?"[/b] :evil: :roll: :x Owley (and I Do Mean OWLEY)
  9. Again an assumption it was "intentional" you should know me better then that so I will ask for it to be removed, less i offend anyone else.
  10. Not everyone reads every group. Sorry if I offended you
  11. Interesting studt, worth a look at. http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStorie...ramedics_070523
  12. I agree with CC, In the big picture, "A" comes before Pacemaker... Owley
  13. I have just posted the Patch worn in NS Canada.
  14. Thanks Pal What have yoiu been up to anyway?? ian
  15. Has any one taken an CCEMTP Course. I am paticulary interested in anyone who has done the one at Center For Emergency Medicine in Pitsburgh. I would like to know any information on what you thought of the course. Owley
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