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Everything posted by Ztenec

  1. Now make yourself useful and find out how much has been spent on her care. I bet you 15 years of being looked after doesn't leave much if any. Let just say it costs $10 an hour in expenses (personell, equipment, etc) to have her be there not including all the tests etc. $10x24hrsx365days= $87600/year, x 15 years = 1,314,000. Of course then you could say what if she had insurance etc so we will never know. Just my point that 1million doesnt go far over 15 years of medical expenses we of all people should know that.
  2. Kind of funny that you bring up this topic as I just lost my watch about 20 mins ago :x
  3. Also Dixie, concerning your "let the patient decide" Umm this happened in 1990 so don't you think if should could just jump up and say hey guys I think I want to be alone she would have done so by now? :wink: Anyway this is one of those threads I gotta stay away from because people are either for it or against it and nothing is going to change their minds.
  4. Just tossing my 2 cents in. It's the guardian's voice who should be listened to, not the courts or the parents. She obviously trusted him to follow her wishes or the husband wouldn't be in that position. Also about the 1 Million dollar judgement, 700,000 of that was set aside to pay for her medical expenses. Keeping in mind the length of time she's been in that "state" I highly doubt there is anyting left of it. Finally I concur with usafmedic45 about the stupidity of emtizzle's post. Ha gave you 3 cents instead of 2, where's my change?
  5. Well said ResQB.
  6. Another Littmann Classic II S.E. user here.
  7. Nope never have. I try to treat everyone with the highest respect, even if I think they are stupid (DUI MVC).
  8. The majority is 99% volunteer outside of the city, except for some admin positions.
  9. The only time our transport times are that long are when we intercept someone out in the county. However if they are that messed up we will just launch our lifeflight helo to pick them up.
  10. Hey SD-EMT, where in SD are you at?
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