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Everything posted by eCamp91

  1. So today I submitted my resume', NR card, and application for a well known company in Detroit, MI. As I was taking the pre-employment test I had my fair share of Paramedic and AEMT questions. I was taking back by them, lol. Never seen some of the stuff before in EMT class. But they grade the test on a curve so I guess all should be well. Do you feel that it gives the applier a fair chance if they are a EMT and doing Paramedic questions? How are the pre-employment test where you are located?
  2. Thanks ParamedicMike. I have had time to think and thought when my children are born, it would be a cool experience to know what their father has done over the years.
  3. Don't know if this is the correct forum/thread for this topic but couldn't find one that fits its just right. So I received my "NREMT" patch and it's nice and all but I don't have the slightest idea what to do with it besides keep it in it's envelope. What are patches for and why do some trade them like Pokemon cards? Is it just something like a keepsake to show how far one has come through their career? Thanks. Eric C.
  4. Detroit, MI. Does that classify as a crime infested area? lol Thanks no offense taken. I hear everything you said. I was going to jump into it at first but didnt have $5,000 just laying around. In Michigan from what I am hearing is when you get hired they send you through the CEVO course. I was looking into a ECG course. I know for sure that would help further my knowledge right now if I am not in Paramedic school.
  5. I haven't actually started working as an EMT yet. I just recently passed NR friday and have been applying for jobs in my area. I will be pursuing Paramedic in the next few years after I gain experience and more skill. I don't want to go in blind. I agree with taking A&P classes this fall semester. I was wondering more along the lines of different certifications that will further my career, besides Paramedic right now. Like what additional courses for the EMS would be considered a plus to have for a person in EMS and to have on ones resume. Like EMT-Tactical for instance. Thanks for all the insight. As it is hard for me to reply to every from my phone, its a pos. Truly appreciate it.
  6. What is some additional training for the EMT Basic level that could be taken? (without getting into Paramedic schooling so soon.) Or if someone could point me in the right direction. Thank you.
  7. What a relief it is.

  8. My thing would be what would my resume consist of when I have only worked construction and warehousing jobs in the past with no significance of EMS. Any ideas? I have a two family members who are EMTs we are located in Detroit, Michigan and they both work for a pretty big hospital (DMC) here so I know once I get my license I will try to get into where they are. I am just excited to start, hope I do not have to wait more than 2 weeks for my state license to come in the mail once I send it off. I think I may still do some practice test in the mean time and read over the diabetic chapter a little bit more because when I did my ambulance ride along I remember we ran about 5 calls and 3 were diabetic emergencies. Thanks for your input. I'd take the first picture please!!! ha
  9. I passed my NREMT on Friday and I have to send out for my state license (which will probably be tomorrow since banks are closed) what is something that you guys think I should be doing, or that you all did after passing NR. Should I stay fresh on my skills? I have no clue what the interview process is like, any one care to put some insight as to what it may be like.
  10. I never even learned about inDIANA in grade school. Mjust've not been that important. Nice to meet you all.
  11. Hmmm, I wonder have I ever ran into you @ the Health Link building in Taylor. I had a EMT-B course there May-July of last year. Greetings, the names Eric.
  12. Any of you guys here on this site? What service do you work for?
  13. This came to my email Ruff and my heart sank. Glad to hear your baby girl is doing better than she initially was this morning. You are in my prayers.
  14. Thanks Mike.
  15. Not actually on the job.
  16. Does anyone workout and find it to be a benefit on the job?
  17. Maybe my words should not have included "vent". I just needed to tell my story to someone and get some feed back to boost my moral. I think I just have to get used to people onI tjis site not being so hell-bent on crushing peoples dreams like others do, that's all. I do appreciate your response, though my post did seem "desperate" though it wasn't intended on being a "please I want attention" post by any means. Thanks bud.
  18. Anyone care to listen to me vent? I prefer a PM. Just wish I had someone to just listen and talk to who'd understand, besides my girlfriend.
  19. You all know the NR "scoring" system (above passing, near passing, and below passing) if someone who took the test and has a "near passing" in a subject area would they pass, or is that considered unsuccessful? That confuses me, just would like to understand that.
  20. I do appreciate your advice. My mind wonders also while taking test and I dont understand why in the world I couldn't eat a mint/gum while taking NR, lol. It's like prison!!! Thanks! I freak out during test even in secondary education. I am trying to get over this test anxiety as best as I can. YES! At that site they have to somehow, someway think they are above you if they passed NR and you have yet too. So I found my way to this site, seems mellow and A LOT more helpful.
  21. Hello, thank you! My question would have to be what should I do more fluently to prepare for the test, as I do not test that well, and I have already taken the NREMT and was unsuccessful so I know what type of question I am to expect. Right now I am doing a test booklet, exactly like the NREMT. Reviewing my classroom booklet. Thank you.
  22. I recently came over from www.emtlife.com and I have been having questions regarding the NREMT-B and all I get over there is the opportunity to be belittled, disrespected and embarrassed when all I asked for was a little advice/help/pointers about taking the NR. So, I know this may be a repost, but I am just looking for answers right now. Thanks in advance!
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