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Everything posted by Summit

  1. If those are my choices I'll do what I did in 04... write in Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck for the presidential ticket. (and I'm serious)
  2. The majority of people here are problem solving adults so it isn't in everyone's nature to whine to the bossman every time they have a problem. We wouldn't be very good at our jobs if "cry for help at the first sign of adversity" was the general EMS personality type. Warnings will be used as a weapon? No... of course not. :wink: Shhh CO... public kritik des admin ist verboten. It must be done in private so it can be more conveniently ignored. Standby for thread deletion... "Thank you for your input." :roll:
  3. Maroon polo shirts with blue collars and sleves and yellow lettering, navy pants, blue and white ballcaps with white buttons. Do I win?
  4. Our uniform shirts closely resemble those of the local grocery... when we are shopping people always ask us where stuff is. We've given up and simple guide them on.
  5. I too found the question confusing it seemed to ask whether science OR field experience was preferable. So is the question actually simply whether science is a good thing to teach EMS providers?
  6. no brainer 99
  7. Has anyone ever noticed that sometimes external stress or being short on sleep or having something really stressful right before a call can cause something to affect you more than it should? Kind of like the preexisting stuff takes down your normal barriers?
  8. Actually I've been trying to advocate that around here for basics as well as medics. Nobody is listening much... I never knew such a program actually existed in the past. I think it's a really good idea.
  9. they were old, dying, had no DNR... thats why the lady died. the turn was irrelevant.
  10. Apparently you are so "baked" that it took you an entire month to flip out over a joke. :roll:
  11. Well I got an ultrascope. I've gotten to use it on two calls. It's pretty phenomenal. It hears through clothes. I've gotten breath sounds that nobody else could hear. Pressures take a little getting used to.
  12. Nice! Hope the healing finishes quickly.
  13. To heck with the North and the South. The West is the Best!
  14. appologies in advance... this thread has devolved!
  15. Pebble bed reactors are a modern reactor des even safer than US BWR and PWR. I don't know what design you guys have (just hope its not RBMK) but pebble bed is better, safer, and easier to deal with. Kudos to South Africa for embracing safer more efficient technology (and that will put you ahead of the US nuclear power industry who is still fighting NIMBY for nationally mandated storage sites from 20 years ago!).
  16. If New Madrid goes big, Misery is screwed. Good thing I don't live there anymore. AFAIK, The following structures in Missouri were built with earthquakes in mind: All 3 Nuclear Reactors Some dams The following structures are not: Everything else (including office buildings, hotels, skyscrapers)
  17. HOLY CRAP THIS IS JUST A FANTASY! A good idea. I think it should be a goal of a EMS lobbying agency.
  18. ski, hike, bike, camp, fish, dive, rock climb, boat, white water kayak, photography general alpinism
  19. "AEMT" or whatever you want to call it (just plain old EMT) replaces EMT-B and EMT-I. Would have a national scope and training for: Skills (above and beyond what basics do with possibility of standing order or most/all): IV/SC BGL Sellik Nebs CPAP Combitube 3-Lead Monitoring (no interp) Formulary: O2 NO Albuterol Atrovent Atropine/2Pam Autoinjector Epinephrine SC Diphenhydramine Naxalone Glucose Charcol ASA (anaglesic and for CP) NTG Glucagon D50 D5W LR NS More advanced assesment. Etc.
  20. I present the 72 semester hour AS Advanced EMT: (I was nice and made it four full semesters) Semester I English Comp I 3hr College Algebra 4hr Biology I /w lab 5hr Chemistry I /w lab 5hr Medical Terminology 3hr 20hrs Semester II A&P I /w lab 5hr General Pyschology 3hr Public Speaking 3hr Physics I Algebra based /w lab 4hr Nutrition 3hr 18hrs Semester III A&P II /w lab 4hr Pharmacology 3hr EMT Didadtic 5hr EMT Practical 6hr 18hr Semester IV Pathophysiology 4hr IV Therapy 2hr (compressed at the beginning) Basic EKG 2hr (compressed at the beginning) EMT Hospital Clinicals 5hr (after IV/EKG) EMT PreHospital Clinicals 5hr (after Hospital) 18hr Clinicals would be 200hrs. That first semester will suck without AP credit... but it is guaranteed to weed out the riff-raff. Course crediting: Algebra - Test out AP A&P I&II min score 9 cumulative (5 on one, 4 or 5 on othe other) AP Bio minimum 4 AP Chem minimum 4 AP English minimum 4 AP Physics (B exam 4) (C exam 3) *puts on flame proof suit* (but before you flame me too hard I do have 13/18 of those classes, I'm a Basic)
  21. How about communities with populations of thousand where the regional trauma center is a Level IV that is two hours away and the a Level II is 4 horus away? (NW and SW Colorado)
  22. Natural Selection affects populations, not individuals.
  23. Summit

    Trauma Care

    Paramedics are more knowledgable. There is no question about that. If the statistics show this makes them more apt to stay and play on calls that warrant a load and go regardless of level, then send BLS. I haven't had that problem with ALS, but I could definately see that being a problem. Depending on the system, especially tiered systems and systems that partner basics with paramedics or use FF/EMTs for first response, you see ALS mostly just doing ALS... so they are rockin the ALS but rusty on some parts of BLS. BLS ony does BLS because that's what BLS's job is. Consequently, BLS is well practiced at BLS. You aren't going to convince me that just being a paramedic makes one on average more effective at backboarding or taking a pulse or putting a nonrebreather on a pt. How is more education goin to help a paramedic hold c-spine? The last fifteen or so trauma pts I've seen (far back as my tired mind is remembering these last two months), ALS showed but pretty much let me run the entire show because thre was nothing ALS for them to do (except they gave some pain meds in two cases). If they'd seen me do somethin incorrectly of course they would have stepped in, but so would another BLS provider. Of course, my opinion is slightly skewed by the fact that around here IV's are BLS skill (I can also combitube).
  24. If you were thinking I was implying that, I assure you I was not. I was merely making an observation on the construct that vs-eh present.
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