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Everything posted by TuxEMS

  1. TuxEMS


    Here is Illinois can call a Triple Zero if A) Rigor Mortis Obvious Mortal Injury (Decapitation, etc.) C) Post-Mortem Dependant Lividity D) Putrefaction/Decomposition Any of these we call the hospital and the doctor will ask if the pt is cold, voided themselves. If rigor mortis is present and so forth and he will ask that 2 emt's verify no pulse, no lung sounds, no heart beat and will call it over the air.
  2. striking a public dafety officer possibly attempted murder
  3. I wouldn't have a problem with it, I didnt kill the guy legally, he was sentenced to death and the sodium cocktaill killed him not I
  4. Bring it on dude. Im only a basic but bring it
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