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Everything posted by pmedic623

  1. This sounds like that Walgreens commercial.....623
  2. That's the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time ...623
  3. Thankfully just outside my run box.......623
  4. Well put.......623
  5. alot of variant responses here. Does any employer "gig" you on going beyond a certain scene time? BTW, when I say "scene" time, I mean from your on scene time to your transporting to hospital time... PRPG
  6. By the way, been away from the site about 4 months but still good to see some things have't changed.....623
  7. We are gigged on anything over 20min. I usually do most everything in the truck and if were more than 10 min from the ED I'll usually tell my partner to go ahead and drive easy towards the ED and do my IV and everything else enroute to hospital. I've sat on scenes with other medics with unstable pt's before while they looked for and IV site and stuck 2 or 3 times when were 30 miles from the ED. Not cool! I would just rather do my stuff enroute if were a good way off.........623
  8. Well put Rid.....623
  9. Amen Brother! Pull your hose fireman, I don't care to ignite.......623
  10. Thanks for the help...looks like that will work....623
  11. At the Hospital service where I work we carry Motorola HT-1250's with the heavy duty lapel mics. One problem, it's summertime so if it's real hot I don't wear my captains shirt with the shoulder epaulets but wear a duty t-shirt. There is nothing to latch my mic on with my T-shirt and was wondering if there was some product that someone knows of or maybe someone else uses that our service could look into getting to hold the mic so it doesn't pull my t-shirt down and basically get in my frig gen way!! Thanks.....623 Sorry about the whacker bit.....
  12. Agree. Since one of my fulltimes is hospital based it's of course use theirs. At my county district we use the local ED's and return it when we're done.
  13. Open invite for you to come and educate me Dust!!!! And the last I heard from you was whining and complaining about not being on the same level with us lowly firemen when it comes to money and respect, considering fire is taking over EMS I am qualified to speak of how I am ramming you out of your "profession".
  14. Quite an education on some east coast EMS. I don't think I'll complain very hard about our systems here!
  15. Over 11 years ago when I started I was talking to an old shift supervisor who imparted these words of wisdom to me. "If two people want to screw it don't matter how many walls and partitions you put up or how many rules you lay down their going to get it done". It all comes down to what people want to do. I've heard the excuses that people become emotionally attached (and they do) and I've worked with my share of attractive EMT's and medics and have remained faithful for 9 years to my wife. It all comes down to what you want to do...............
  16. Did somebody say "Tube" :shock:
  17. I licked the window on my small yellow bus all the way to my paramedickkkk school and then I got 6 chances to pass. Now I be a pamedickkkkk. Yea I work with these clowns :help:
  18. Paramizzle or NREMT-Pizzle (Snoop langauge)
  19. Jesus, please cast the Devil out of Dust :evil: :angel12:.....nope didn't take
  20. True wanker story......... Medic from a county close by wears his crappy uniform on and off duty. His truck is covered in blue lights and he hangs out at work on his days off. The most impressive story about him happened at a funeral he attended off duty and wore his crappy uniform (dirty polo shirt, dirty protuffs with scissors hanging out of every pocket) and left his pager on. During the service their little rural ambo district gets a pager test and he never turns it down but just sits there and lets it go. This clown makes EMS clocks and sells them and everything in his house is somehow related to an EMS theme(never been in it). He's a legendary EMS wanker, but of course he is known for giving substandered care. I am seeing a coralation between wanker/bad medic
  21. Brown stains and all TPBM (like me) is occasionally a jackass on calls at 0300hrs
  22. I won't have a job and leave quietly..............
  23. Good post Rid -I'm confused as to why we are talking about the morning after pill which is not part of emergency medicine nor will any of us have to dispense it. I thought this was about emergency medical problems and religious beliefs. The morning after pill is a whole different issue for me.......
  24. Personally have no use for religion.....that being said I'll use an example of a man who was killed by religious people 2000+ years ago because their simple minds couldn't grasp that there was more to life than what some high holy laws or people dictated to you. He even argued with the religious groups of the day about healing and helping your neighbor on high holy days( there were actually people who didn't want you to pick corn and eat it on certain days!) Never ever in any circumstance should an emergency professionel let his/her religious beliefs cloud their judgment in any situation. I only hope that if my family is needing to be treated in a crisis and some jacka$$ is spouting religious beliefs that he has strong hope of a good after life because that's were I'll send him if he brings harm to family.........
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