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Everything posted by pmedic623

  1. First, I take by your first sentence that you actually "run around" on calls which my be your first problem. Running around on scene usually gives the impression that you are panicking and don't have a clue what you are doing so first point slow down a little and take some deep breaths. I've had both good and bad partners thruogh the years and you can usually tell if they are just nervous and going to make good partners or just don't have a clue. Look, I go on vacation for two weeks and get back to work and feel a little rusty my first shift back, it's the nature of the business, but things should start to come back pretty quick. I guess if you work at a slow service and don't get alot of skills and then leave for an extended period your going to probably be a little rusty on your first couple of calls but I wouln't sweat it to bad. One other thing maybe other people have a "help and support" place they can go but this is EMS so if your partner can't be a "help and support" for you, then forget it........
  2. One of many reasons I don't live there...........
  3. Took a medic refresher last year and the RN teaching this day brought this same point out about hyperventilation and over oxygenation of the head injury pt causing constriction........
  4. I've got some cheese, lets set a trap!
  5. We've got a guy here that takes a big steamer in the a.m. and must have a spoon shaped hemeroid because he always gets shi% on the underside of the toilet. It defies gravity so its the only thing I can figure!
  6. Some more here...... The story tellers that you can figure out pretty quick have either embelished horribly or made it up usually people with very little EMS education but very imoprtant in their own eyes.........add more later
  7. Me.....Clean ambulances- sometimes multiple times a day I wash. I can't stop no matter how hard I try I just can't stand a dirty truck. I'll try to think of more but I've got to go outside and wash my truck real quick.........
  8. "Stroker" but I'm not sure I'f that means for me or my cellmate!
  9. I was killed by "heading the ball" I was killed at the racetrack I was killed by the Church of Scientology I know three things I won't be doing this weekend.........
  10. Treat your pt not your machine! LOL :D/ Sorry I had to.......
  11. Same here as last year the hospital spent money on us the EMS worker instead of doing stuff for the community.
  12. No but I could use a shot of coffee! Person below me has more lights on there POV than their medic unit does!
  13. Good point, reminds me of the guy that was ambulatory at scene of rollover with no c/o pain and turned to talk to the trooper and fell to the ground and hasn't walked since, we pick him up all the time for various complaints usually resulting from his pressure sores due to sitting in his wheelchair all the time. My regular partner worked this wreck and hadn't arrived on scene but fire/rescue was in the process of assessing and thought this guy was just lucky with no apparent injuries. Guess not!! I think I'll just keep immobilizing!
  14. The person below me dreams of being president someday.
  15. I like the sign on the old hearses" WE HAVE OXYGEN"!! Can't hear those old stories enough!!!
  16. Don't drink but was puked on! The person below (like me) has had their fill of idiots and hasn't run a good call in a long time...
  17. Worked a private service in the mid 90s that had "hands that care" on our medic units. Imagine the fun other services had with that!
  18. Work fulltime for (2) county services one district and one hospital based. Both are fulltime ALS mostly running Paramedic/EMT but sometimes ie tonight Paramedic/Paramedic which is nice. District is 24/72 and hospital is 36 hours straight (start at 7p and end 36 hours later). Not bad money both are over 12.00 per hour plus all your shift differentials (usually average $14 per hour at the hospital and anything over 40 hours at the district is OT) When we can't find a medic to work ,which is quite frequent they pay $30hour for entire 24 hour shift. I do this so the wife can stay home and raise the youngins. Also do the all american thing by volunteerin at the local VFD.(Very rare though)
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