First, I take by your first sentence that you actually "run around" on calls which my be your first problem. Running around on scene usually gives the impression that you are panicking and don't have a clue what you are doing so first point slow down a little and take some deep breaths. I've had both good and bad partners thruogh the years and you can usually tell if they are just nervous and going to make good partners or just don't have a clue. Look, I go on vacation for two weeks and get back to work and feel a little rusty my first shift back, it's the nature of the business, but things should start to come back pretty quick. I guess if you work at a slow service and don't get alot of skills and then leave for an extended period your going to probably be a little rusty on your first couple of calls but I wouln't sweat it to bad. One other thing maybe other people have a "help and support" place they can go but this is EMS so if your partner can't be a "help and support" for you, then forget it........