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Everything posted by hammerpcp

  1. That is exactly my point. Are you going to tell me what BSI is?
  2. For saying which?
  3. What is BSI? Humour should be accepted and appreciated in whatever form it presents itself whether voluntary or involuntary. This doesn't necessarily equate to humour at anothers expense being as valuable as another form.
  4. hammerpcp


    Why are we talking about cankers?
  5. I don't think the research conclusively supports your theory.
  6. HAHAHAHA! Now THAT is hilarious. Even Jesus can change his mind.
  7. hammerpcp


    I am sure that you're deeply offended. :roll:
  8. "Repect" is earned not given away! Welcome back ERDoc.
  9. What range do you use to calculate a persons tidal volume? e.g. ?ml/kg Good thing you all know what I mean not what I say (write).
  10. Maybe that's what started the whole thing?
  11. Pores don't open and close since there is no musculature sourounding them. The hair can become erect due to the erector pili muscle but that is about it. I know its hard to believe the cosmetic companies have been lying to us all this time.
  12. I am not sure you can call them "grown" areas if you are applying ice to them. 8) But yes these instant ice packs seem to be a good solution since their coolness is caused by an endothermic reaction rather than ambient temperature. I can't imagine that they would last very long in that kind of heat though. Perhaps prevention would be a better strategy. Namely educating the Americans about heat illnesses before they go out trekking.
  13. Hey! Don't drag me into this. Oh, and James when people leave this site its always Admins (sometimes AK's) fault not ours.
  14. Screw Dust and his stinking sobriety! WOOHOOOOO!!! :drunken: :occasion5:
  15. Dust are you a Walmart sleeper cell?
  16. Get lost already fat boy! :cya: (I use derogatory humour to cover the pain of losing you) :crybaby: P.S. take extra special good care of the Canadians over there.
  17. While these are all great suggestions you have to remember that lifting is a HUGE part of the job. If you can't lift you can't be a paramedic. It is that simple. You and your partner are generally responsible for 250-300lbs or under, maybe even 350 depending on the complexity and number of the lift(s). Any heftier than that and calling for assist is acceptable. And always call for the FD to give you a hand. We all know that the police and other medics are busy.
  18. That's unbelievable. So to speak. You obviously need a sugar daddy.
  19. Don't you mean Danishland?
  20. On the other hand, if you were to base the story in a busy urban EMS setting you could portray the child calm and unharmed/uninjured while the mother is panicking and freaking out and generally getting in the way of any assessment the paramedics attempt to make. Then you could have one of the "EMTs" or whatever, administer a therapeutic slap to the mother and have her sign off for her child AMA. Jeesh.....this is gold. why am i not writing a movie? BTW, I expect full credit and royalties for any and all of my ideas.
  21. Last time I checked I was a biological machine that runs on a fuel called food, without which machine no runny good = malfunctions and the like. Oops. As usual I forgot to address the topic on the table. In Ontario it is legislated that every employee no matter what the job, is entitled to a 15 minute break for every five hours of work. This can be found near the laws against slavery and child labour (I just made that up but I am sure it's not far off) The issue of enforcement of this law is another issue entirely and is currently in front of the courts in a number of places. Ottawa paramedics recently won their case against the service. No one expects police or fire to function without food or sleep, so WTF?
  22. Remind me never to tell you anything if I need help.
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