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Everything posted by hammerpcp

  1. Now that is a dedicated professional.
  2. Wendy, to me your and 'your medics' tx, assessment and advice sounds perfectly reasonable. This being said, "God" has a point about the bleeding into the esophagus. Since there is blood in the oral cavity or pharynx and blood is highly irritant on the stomach often causing nausea/vomiting it may not be prudent to assume the child was feeling ill due to medication side effects. My point in saying this is just that there were signs present indicating there may have been more to the pt's presentation. I can only speak for myself on the original topic. I have never "talked someone out" of going to the hospital. Even if I though it was unnecessary or an abuse of the system, even if I had not had a break or eaten yet that day, even if it was four o’clock in the morning. I have on the other hand, made sure that the pt and pts family are making an informed decision in regards to their treatment options. This IS my responsibility as a medic.
  3. Spooning! lmao!
  4. I think the reason there is controversy on this topic is because there hasn't really been any actual research done. I recall a similar debate several years ago in school about which side to put a CVA pt on when transporting. It was the same arguments as noted above i.e. a hemorrhagic stroke should be placed semi-prone with neurologically impaired side up and normal side down (this is all assuming the pt is exhibiting hemi-plegia/paresis) in order for the blood in the cranial cavity to pool on the already injured side. Some of the arguments against this were that: 1) This positioning may cause the pt distress since they will have no or impaired function of the free extremities (those that they are not lying on). 2) There is no evidence that this is even effective practice and therefore, the possibility of harm caused outweighing benefit is present. Other issues that arose: In the field it is often difficult to differentiate between a hemorrhagic CVA vs. an occlusive CVA - although there are certain tell tale indicators, e.g. sz, uncosciousness, etc. One of my instructors ended the whole debate when she said that all pt's either ride supine (with varying degrees of head inclination based on pt condition) or on their left side. This is for the reason stated by the OP, namely that you need access to the pt and therefore they should not be facing the wall. Bottom line is that the same reasoning applies to the question at hand.
  5. Does being physically disabled automatically raise you to a higher moral echelon? BTW penetrating objects travelling at high velocity through human tissues often impact the spinal column at some point frequently causing neurological impairment. Perhaps a lifestyle choice?
  6. It is a strange phenomenon that if something is not on the internet it doesn't exist.
  7. A bagel?
  8. Ouch.
  9. It is an increasingly rare condition, it is even less frequently found in populations where the males have either less naturally occuring C19H28O2, or have been socialized to control its behavioural effects.
  10. Now THAT is a brilliant piece of political advertising.
  11. "Inhibition of gluconeogenesis has also been implicated in the etiology of alcoholic hypoglycemia in the clinical setting. Freinkel et al. (9) presented indirect evidence for the inhibition of gluconeogenesis by EtOH when they were unable to counteract EtOH-induced hypoglycemia with infusion of glucagon in normal subjects who had fasted 24–48 h. Other groups have measured a decrease in hepatic glucose production as hypoglycemia developed during the infusion of EtOH after a 2- to 3-day fast." Web Page Name Yes, your right although the fluid infusion will likely have very little to no effect on PAC's. Rather they will abate once the stimulants have worn off. Is that similar to a WD40 deficiency often found in women?
  12. And a razor (or five).
  13. Dispatch center
  14. Three options 1) Sinus tach, 2)You misheard or mis-remember 3)Medic is an idiot(?) I think this comment is indicating that being Australian and Muslim are mutually exclusive. OR maybe it's an explanation for why you couldn't understand what he was saying
  15. Great answer, thanks for the complete lack of arrogance.
  16. What's a 'duoneb"?
  17. Why would you use L&S to transport some one who's hyperventilating?
  18. I had to have a safety nap to make it safely through this post.
  19. ....Shocking PEA is never going to give you a perfusing rhythm....just saying. Never had one in a funeral home but they drop like flies in church.
  20. This thread should be called "I need A house"
  21. Send 'em all to Guantanamo bay! Or else [stream:8e13acbcb5]http://www.soundsnap.com/node/12534[/stream:8e13acbcb5]
  22. Wow. That's embarrasing.
  23. Were they headed to the same call?
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