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Everything posted by hammerpcp

  1. The difference is that circumcisions are elective procedures and completely medically unnecessary with modern shower technology. Elective therapeutic abortions are also not necessary to maintain the life of the pt. A blood transfusion on the other hand, is not an elective procedure. It is done only to maintain vital function. That's the difference. This woman should not be "accommodated", she should find another job.
  2. Their is no room for personal faith if it interferes with your pt care. It's that simple.
  3. Personally i will be happy to never have to do a foley. Not ont he folks around here anyway. Leave that to the hospital.
  4. The hypertonic saline is a reserch study that is going to be done in association with ambulance services all over north america, in the near futre. Apparently its use has already been extensilvey studyed in the military. I believe it will be 7.5%. In this study 250ml will be rapidly infused into pts with hypovolemia or head injury. there are other vital sign indications but i don't remeber what they are. Anyway i was jus curious if anyone out there had had any experience with this before. very interesting.
  5. Is anyone using hypertonic saline in the field? What do ou think about it so far? Does anyone know by what mechanism it can cause seizure?
  6. You might be a wacker if.....................................you spend all your down tme on EMT CITY.com I couldn't resist! LOL! :nike:
  7. I can't get my camera working..........tech support! TPBM has biohazard stickers stuck to everything they own.
  8. It is not uncommon for poeple to have specific treatment (or non treatment) wishes. Whether you can honour these or not depends entirely on your local legislation, your service and your base hospitals policies.
  9. What is different about your kind of caring?
  10. 3 euros for a slap and 1000 pesos for a tickle! :oops:
  11. No but sometimes I knot when I'm on a call. The person below me has used the air horn when thier partner was standing in front of the truck.
  12. Not to be redundant, but you did good. When you enter a scene and speak to the pt you are doing several things simultaneously that are essential to assessmant and thus, good pt care. 1) you are establishing a rapport with the pt. If you came into my house and just started touching me all over right off the bat, I might question your professionalism, your knowledge of what you are doing, and I might even be combative. 2)You are checking "A", the most efficient and easiest way to check airway: can they speak? 3) you are checking "B", how is thier breathing? are they able to speak in full sentences? 4) You are assessing their level of consciousness. Are they responding appropiately? do they look at you when you speak? do they respond verbally? Now, coupled with the "look test"you've just completed a primary survey in under five seconds. Then you can auscultate for breath sounds. Talk to the medic. They were probably just having a bad day. And even if they are always an ass :bootyshake: , at least you can justify your actions so you have nothing to worry about.
  13. You may not know this but many non-living things have a gender. 1) Ziploc Bags are Male , because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. 2) Copiers are Female , because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed. 3) A Tire is Male , because it goes bald and it's often over-inflated. 4) A Hot Air Balloon is Male , because, to get it to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under it, and of course, there's the hot air part. 5) Sponges are Female , because they're soft, squeezable and retain water. 6) A Web Page is Female , because it's always getting hit on. 7) A Subway is Male , because it uses the same old lines to pick people up. 8) An Hourglass is Female , because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom. 9) A Hammer is Male , because it hasn't changed much over the last 5,000 years, but it's handy to have around. 10) A Remote Control is Female . Ha! You thought it'd be male, didn't you? But consider this - it gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know the right buttons to push, he keeps trying!
  14. i wish we could refuse absolute bull sit calls. eg brken toe times twoe weeks with pain when walking, no increase in pain and did not take meds yet. but you know some dumb ass wuold take advantatge of it and then there would be legal action and then we would be right back where we started.
  15. Abdo pain x 2 weeks.
  16. what the hell did i just do?
  17. baasmedic1119 wrote: [spoil:9ace5ecd14]I do not agree with the sick sinus syndrome, I was always told it was not something you could diagnose with a 3-Lead EKG[/spoil:9ace5ecd14] You can't actually diagnose anything with a three lead ECG, you need a twelve or fifteen for that. three leads are designed to cause arguments among BLS medics and to confuse fire fighters.
  18. I'm going to take a stab at this one. a larger sample would be helpful though. the first six beats seem to have p waves of two or three different morphologies. then possibly a missed beat: firing of the atria with no capture. or artifact. but then, oh, then the atria ,or junctional there is no a clear p wave, fire again with capture. then PAC. then wait for it... wait for it.... bam! the atria fire and there is capture. PAC. what was i doing again? oh yeah.. Fire! from the atria with capture. PAC with different morphology. QRS complexes are all narrow. wandering isoimetric line. it looks like ST depression as well. chest pain? Hx MI? I'm going to go with sick sinus syndrome, and i refuse to be more specific then that.
  19. =D> Well said RId. those are my sentiments exactly. I don't think any one actually wants to die, they are just in so much pain that they see no other option. However, i completly disagree with your earlier statment that:"this profession is too stressful for unstable people. This profession has lead some very stable and damn good Paramedics to their grave. What we see and deal wiht occasionally, as well as trying to be "emotionally ready" for teh "big one" can lead to major problems. " just because trench1253 may have had suicidal or similar type feelings at one time, is not synonomous with him being an "unstable person". everyone has a story. mental illness can be like bodily illness in that you get better. also if there was not such stigma against mental illness and people actually spoke freely about it, i think that you and alot of other people who seem to have this us (people who have not personally experienced mental illness) and them (people who have) mentality, would be surprised at how many of your friends/colleages/family have experienced bouts of depression, etc.. stats to back me up: 1 out of 100 canadians will have schizophrenia, a disease which has onset in late teens or early adulthood. 1 out of four of these people will commit suicide. depression is second only after heart disease in reasons for visiting doctor, and will soon be the second most common reason for being unable to work . it is estimated that still the vast majority of people who experience depresion symptoms will not seek out any help, perhaps due to social stigma. this may account for why several people in this thread have mentioned that a family memeber killed themselves, adn that it was completly unexpected. Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population, causing mild to severe impairment. Suicide accounts for 24% or all deaths among 15-24 year olds and 16% among 25-44 year olds. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women from adolescence to middle age. The mortality rate due to suicide among men is four times the rate among women. 20% of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Mental illness affects people of all ages, educational and income levels, and cultures. Approximately 8% of adults will experience major depression at some time in their lives. info taken from: canadian mental health association in reference to the first post, i think that understanding is the first step in being able to deal with pt's in this situation. also it seems that pain and suffering and self destruction and therefore suicide is just part ofthe human condition, perhaps we just need to accept that as truth. to learn more got to
  20. was killed by a drunk driver. does any one else notice how frequently this one is comming up? was killed by an automobile In New Holland was killed by her businessman husband was Killed By the Borg tack....HUH? I think I'll take the last option. I don't know what it is or how it kills a person but the others seem a little to common.
  21. I'm Fist F*cker. You better watch out Tiny Hiney, I'm comming for you! :bootyshake:
  22. For the first scenario i would refer to the universal order of priorities: Me, my partner, my truck.
  23. Mimes yes. Clowns no. the person below me taught the "code song" to everyone at work, and it is now their company anthem.
  24. this is an oldy but a goody. our pagers have high pitched tones that can be very loud if you turn the volume all the way up. when someone is sleeping (the grouchy guy prefferably) you put it next to their head on the pillow and then phone up dispatch and have them put through a "test page". The dispatchers love to be included in the fun. :twisted:
  25. v-vac is a piece of cr*p and doesn't work. it is still mandatory equipment for us to carry though.
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