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About vcfd35s

  • Birthday 10/19/1986

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  • Occupation
    EMT/Paramedic Student

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  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Cars, Dirt biking, and water polo

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  1. So with my understanding, you have to be a firefighter with SFD before going through there medic progam. Outside of King Co, does anyone know who runs the 911 that staffs ALS...AMR perhaps? Thanks for the help guys, im looking to move up there from CA and trying to find the area that offers a good ems system with good 911 companies.
  2. From what I was reading, you attend the University of WA after you get hired with Medic One....which would mean that you would have already been a medic. With that in mind, I was looking for info on what OTHER college to attend that has a reputable paramedic program.
  3. I have heard that the King County Medic One EMS system is top notch, with a great scope and excellent training. I am currently an EMT working in CA, but would like to work in the Medic One system. Are you employed as a pirvate medic or are you a Fire/Medic with Seattle Fire? Also, what are some quality paramedic programs to go through up in the Seattle area? I am not a fan of the southern california EMS system and would like to start my medic career in WA. If anyone knows of a good medic program please let me know so I can further my research. Thank you in advance for the responses.
  4. Was just curious to see if AMR has the primary 911 in the Fayetteville/Springdale/Rogers area? I will be relocating and am looking at my options for an EMT looking to move forward to being a paramedic. If anyone knows of any good private 911 companies up there, please let me know. Thanks!
  5. Dust- It seems as though you know alot about the the Houston area and TX as a whole. Have you had any experience with the Harris County Sheriffs Department? Are they a good Department, that offer alot of opportunity?
  6. First off, welcome to SoCal. I am actually work in SoCal and getting outta here faster than you can blink. Not trying to discourage you, but like one mentioned before....the opportunities for a medic are a dead end. Im gearing myself for a career in Law Enforcement, not being a Firefigher, so thats outta the question. Moving to the Inland Empire, I would have to say that AMR Riverside and AMR San Bernardino offer the 911 for both counties. Both do run dual medic and one on one rigs. Moving up into Orange County, you have a few contract 911 such as Doctors Ambulance and Medix, but the primary BLS is CARE Ambulance. They run with LA County Fire along with some Orange County Fire Departments. LA County is just ridiculous when it comes to EMS.....it plain sucks. If you want to work in LA County my only option for you is to work for McCormick Ambulance. They run the 911 with LA County Fire and are based out of Hawthorne. Everything else in LA County is handled by LA City Fire with there own RAs doing transports. If you are looking for a transfer company, a great company to look at is Bowers Ambulance. They have stations in LA County, Orange County and San Diego County. They do BLS, ALS and CCT Transports along with emergenct IFTs as well. You honestly get a variety of calls with Bowers. Good Management, new rigs, great crews, and plenty of OT when that door is open. Good luck with your move.
  7. Well, after doing some research it doesnt look like Houston has too much to offer in the 911 arena. HFD does the transport for the city. Up in Dallas/Ft. Worth I found MedStar Ambulance to be a primary 911 and in Austin, I found Austin-Travis County EMS to be the 911. ATCEMS...now that seems like a hardcore company, a ton of options and avenues for paramedics. For those of you that live in TX...is EMS on the leading edge or slacking in some areas, such as a very limited scope and then its time to call "mommy"? Also, how far is Houston from Austin?
  8. Does anyone know what private company BLS/ALS has the 911 in the city or surrounding areas of Houston? Or does the FD do all the transports, and if so...do any of the suburbs around Houston have any private 911 contracts? Sorry for all the questions, but I am thinking of a move to the Houston area and would like to know what companies to research. Thanks guys and gals!
  9. Does the DFW area or any surrounding cities have any private 911 companies such as AMR? I may be re-locating and I currently am an EMT running the 911 in Southern Cali with a private 911 BLS company. I just wanted to get a feel for my options of jobs...whether I can run with a private company or should I look in the hospitals for a ER-Tech position? I would, ultimately, like to stay on a rig and eventually start medic school soon. If anyone runs as an EMT or Medic in the DFW area please shoot me a message or offer some input. Thanks guys!
  10. As most of you are aware, I am searching around for the many jobs I can hold as a Paramedic in the state of CA. My choices have been narrowed down to either the FD or PD. After becoming interested in the California Highway Patrol (CHP), i noticied that they have an Air Operations Division that staffs Helos with Flight/Medics. Everyone that I have spoken with has spoke highly of this position. Can anyone provide me with more insight? Are there any medics on the board that have held such a position? Its seems like a better deal than a medic for an Sheriffs department due to the fact that aftetr two years of service you may promote to the Air Division. Thanks in advance guys and gals.
  11. I am looking to work with a large sheriffs department in southern california, and am looking to work as a medic once I clear my training and put some years under my belt. Does anyone know of anyone that is a medic/cop or have heard any stories? After speaking with many deputies it seems like a very sweet gig. Positions range from SWAT Medic, USAR medic, Dive team, Flight medic, and a medic on the boats. Cant wrong with any of that; so hopefully il find my kniche!! Any thoughts?
  12. How is the scope of practice for Medics and EMTs working in Arkansas? Is the 911 mostly handled by the FD or are there private ambulance companies (that are paid) that provide the transport for the 911? I hope someone can fill me in on working as an EMT or medic in arkansas; I will be relocating up there for a while to be with some family. I cuurently work in southern california as an EMT running with the local FD and providing the BLS/ALS transports. I know it will be a new environment, but I am looking forward to it as hopefully I can have a bigger scope as an EMT! Thanks in advance guys!
  13. Does anyone happen to know if AMR has the private 911 contract for all of Washington State that Fire doesnt cover? If not, what are the other companies that do have the 911? I will be moving up to Washington in a month and would like to land a job as an EMT with a 911 provider. If there are any EMSers from Washington, what are some of the good counties/cities to run in? Thanks in advance guys!!
  14. Any specific companies to work for out in texas or to look into?
  15. I would like to get some ideas as to where the best State or County would be for Medics to work in. A place that offers not only a good range of calls, but a good scope, overall decent hospitals, and good pay. Aside from that, a place where medics can work as a career medic and still be able to raise a family, own a home, and have a few toys. Being in southern california the odds of a career medic doing well and making a living outside the fire department are quite slim. Ventura County AMR seems to treat there employees quite well and I see alot of young guys go into a career medic position with AMR Ventura County. I am 21 years old, and in southern california with the way our economy is going; my hopes and dreams of raising a family and owning a home and being a paramedic are quickly drifiting away. Does this place even exist....a place where medics are respected and are seen as pre-hospital "doctors" if you will?
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